Chapter 1:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!


"Woohoo! I won" Prapai yelled loudly, after winning yet another race

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"Woohoo! I won" Prapai yelled loudly, after winning yet another race.

"Since when have you lost?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Never and I have you to thank for that. I have the greatest professional mechanic as a best friend" Pai said as he put an arm around me and smiled.

I smiled,tried my best not to look at him and get lost in that smile. Yes. You heard me right. I, Phayu is in fact in love with my best friend Prapai. We go way back since middle and high school together. We were inseparable and both had built reputations for ourselves. I am a professional with cars, bikes and buildings while he is running his family's business and is a well-known playboy. But he doesn't know how I feel and he never will.

"Wanna go grab a drink?"he asked.

" And then you're gonna ditch me when someone catches you eye? No thanks! "I said.

"I won't abandon you, I promise na?" Pai pleaded and he wrapped both arms around me.

I knew he won't let me go until he gets what he wants from me. I sighed and gave up just like I always do when he does this.

"Fine! But once you do that then I am leaving you" I said.

"Yes! I love you! You're the bestest best friend anyone could have" he said happily as he spun me around to face him.

"How did I get so lucky?" he asked as he looked me in the eye.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I smacked his arm and turned away.

"Stop being gross and let's go before I change my mind"I said as I went to start his car.

Yes. You heard me right, once again. This was always the routine every time Prapai has a race. He would come in his car and I bring his motorcycle to him along with the other's that were going to be used for the race. His bike goes back with the others and we take his car going to wherever bar he chooses to celebrate his victory. Without fail also, every time I tag along with him to a bar  , he always attract attention and end up leaving with that person for the night. Even though he has promised me, I know not to expect anything from this guy.

He got into the car and we ended up driving at one of the bars I actually liked to go to. When we arrived there, we sat at our usual spot and ordered some drinks.Pai was just looking around, no one caught his attention just yet. I smile inwardly, seeing it as a small victory for me. Just when I thought it wasn't going to be a bad night, I saw Pai look behind and smiled widely. I know that smile, the one that meant he had found his target. I sigh as I turned around and look behind us. It was a small group that just entered the bar, there were 4 of them but 2 of them looked more attractive than the other two.

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