Chapter 2:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

3rd person POV*

Phayu was mostly a morning person, he usually wakes up early enough to work out in his own gym. Prapai on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He wakes up just enough to make it to work on time.

Prapai woke up with a huge headache, he slowly got out of bed and realized he was in Phayu's bedroom. He stretched this body and yawned, wanting to go back to bed but he knew better: Phayu was gonna nag at him to get his lazy butt up already. He got up ,took his blazer with him and made his way downstairs where Phayu was already making them breakfast.

"You're finally awake" Phayu grumbled.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine" Pai teased.

"Sit down and eat, don't you have work today?" Phayu asked.

"Khap Maeee" Pai teased.

"I'm not your mother. I'm guessing you have a headache right now too, as always?" Phayu asked.

"You know me too well" Pai said, smiling.

"Eat your food and take this" Phayu said as he placed medicine by Pai's plate.

"Don't I get the other usual too?" Pai asked, pouting.

Phayu was confused but then he remembered what Pai meant. He sighed and shook his head, he went over to Pai. Like every time Pai had a headache, Phayu spoiled him by giving him a little massage. This time was no different, he raised his hand and put it on Pai's head and started massaging him. Pai just smiled in content.

"You should get a lover, he should be the one doing this for you" Phayu said.

"But I don't have one yet, so I'll have to make do with you for now " Pai said.

" People already think we are going out"Phayu said, blushing.

" Hahaha. I know, right? Which is entirely impossible. I mean, you and me?Plus, I kind of am interested in someone" Pai saidm

"You really interested in someone?" Phayu asked.

"Yeah, that sassy cutie that we met last night. He's super cute"Pai said, Phayu just forced his smile but stopped massaging Pai's head.

"Hey! Why'd you stop?" Pai asked, Phayu just sat across from him and started eating his breakfast.

"I have a busy today, start eating and then leave. You have that meeting this morning, right?" Phayu asked, just looking down at his plate.

" Why are you cranky all of a sudden?It can't be that you're interested in N'Sky as well? "Pai asked.

'Tell me again why I'm love with this idiot? 'Phayu thought to himself and sighed.

" No, I do not have an interest in N'Sky. You don't have to worry about that"Phayu replied.

" Ah, good. But are you interested in someone right now? Maybe I can help you guys get together"Pai offered.

'Ah! That's why.. He maybe dense and an idiot most of the time, but he has a good heart. My literal weakness'Phayu continued to think.

" I appreciate the offer, but even if I am interested in someone... I just don't have the time to go and date someone" Phayu replied

"So you are interested in someone, who is the lucky guy?" Pai asked.

'You'Phayu answered mentally.

"I'm not telling, it doesn't matter anyway because I don't plan of telling them anytime soon or ever" Phayu replied.

"Is that you? You were always confident with everything you do. Do you need my help courting him?" Pai asked.

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