Part 3

561 3 3

warnings: I cant remember all of them so just proceed with caution 

word count: 8818 


You and Vinnie arrived back at home late afternoon, Jack picked you up from the airport and when you got to the house the kids were outside waiting for you. You and Vinnie got out of the car and the kids ran up to you, "Mom! Dad!" Tabitha hugged your first then Vinnie as Toby stood a bit far back.

"Toby, come give your mom a hug." you looked up at him then gasped grabbing his face as he hissed. Toby had a black eye and a bruised cheek. "What happened?! Jack!" You looked at him frowning, "You said nothing bad happened!" 

"Nothing bad did happen." Jack shrugged, "He can tell you what happened."

"Mom its nothing." Toby sighed.

"What do you mean its nothing?! You have a fucking black eye! Who did this to you?!" you examine his face for more cuts or bruises.

"Honestly, y/n, you should see the other guy." Jack chuckled shaking his head.

"Jack what happened?" Vinnie looked at Toby's face then at Jack.

"You want me to tell them or are you going too?" Jack looked at Toby.

Toby blushed hard and cleared his throat, "Uhm, you tell them." 

Jack looked at you and Vinnie as you pulled away from Toby looking back at him, "You know that new kid you hired, Jonah? Well, I guess a couple of weeks ago, you guys were being intimate while the guys were in the back yard and they saw everything. Well, we were in a meeting when you guys left, Toby called the meeting to talk about what he excepted while you were gone and after the meeting, a couple of the guys were talking about what happened, and Jonah, being a smart ass, made a comment to Toby."

"He said that you were hot and that maybe one day when you leave dad maybe he could hit...that. I told him to not talk about you like that and he said I wouldn't do anything about it and that one day he would become my step dad and...give you a baby instead of dad." Toby blushed hard from embarrassment and he rubbed his bicep looking away from you both. 

"So Toby took care of him," Jack chuckled, "Always thought this kid was a softie, but when he started punching the kid, woah. I didn't know who that was, it wasn't Toby that's for sure." 

You looked at Toby and you frowned, "What did you do with him? Did you kick him out?"

"We left that up to Vinnie. We told him to not show up for work until you came back and that you could decide what to do with him." Jack looked at Vinnie.

"Well-..." You cut Vinnie off.

"I wanna deal with him! That little fucker hurt my baby, he isn't getting away with that!" 

"Baby let me-..." 

"No! I wanna be there! Fuck him!" you look at Toby's eye again then sighed, "Hey, at least you fucked him up." 

Toby nodded, "Well, he was talking bad about you and I don't like that." 

"Thank you baby." you kissed his cheek then hugged him.


You and Vinnie were sitting in the meeting room at the top of the table when Jack opened the door and Jonah walked in limping and had two matching black eyes. "You wanted to see me boss?" he cleared his throat as Vinnie motioned him to a chair. Jonah sat down across from you and Vinnie. He looked at Jonah with his elbow resting on the arm of the chair with his chin against his palm. You stared at Jonah leaning back in the chair and you shook your head. Jonah cleared his throat again then stole a glance at you then looked back at Vinnie.

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