Chapter 2

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Lily walked out of her large stone house. Father had died two weeks ago, meaning she was left with the family home, with its large stone columns, arched windows, and long shadow that stretched out onto the great lawn. She walked down the road, her destination weighing down her steps and blocking out the rest of the world until a little head popped into view.

"Good mornin' Miss!" Little Lavender waved to her. "I heard about yer father. Would ya like some flowers on your way to visit ‘im?" She asked.

Lily smiled. "Yes, I would. Thank you, Lavender." She paid for a small bouquet of daisies. 

"Yer welcome, Miss. I hope ya have a wonderful day." Lavender smiled. 

“You as well. Stay safe Lavender.” Lily patted little Lavender on the head, then started on her way to the church yard where Father and Mother were buried. She laid the daisies in front of their graves. "I wish you were here, Father. Rose will not ever leave her room and Leo has stopped eating. What should I do? They will not listen to me, or the staff." Tears stung her eyes. She knew she wouldn't get an answer, but sitting there, in front of her parents' graves in the silent church yard gave her a feeling of peace. 

"Lady Clover." A voice said behind her. 

Lily turned around, and saw the housekeeper standing just outside the church yard. "Mrs. Graves, what is the matter?" She stood up and walked over to the frightened housekeeper. 

"Mr. Clover is missing." 


Lily burst through the doors of her family home. "Where was Leo last seen?!" She asked frantically. 

"He was on his way to the stables." Mr. Garret, the butler, answered. "Is something the matter?"  

"Mr. Clover has gone missing." Mrs. Graves said. 

"Is Rose still in her room?" Lily asked. 

The housekeeper nodded. "Miss Clover has not left since Lord Clover died." She explained. "She takes her meals in her rooms." 

Lily ran up the stairs, trying to reach her sister's room as fast as she could. She threw open the door to Rose's bedchamber, and found her staring out the window, a blanket wrapped around her. 

Rose turned as Lily walked into the room. "Lily?"

"Rose." She walked over to her sister and pulled her into an embrace. "Thank heavens you are alright." Lily breathed. 

"Are you alright? Did something happen?" Rose asked, pulling out of her sister's embrace. 

"Leo is missing. Mr. Garret saw him on his way to the stables, but who knows how long ago that was?" Lily grabbed Rose's hand. "We need to find our brother."

“Does anyone know where he went after the stables? He could still be in there.” Rose suggested. 

“That could be a possibility,” Lily said, guiding her sister out of her room. “I will go ask the stable hands and see if they have seen Leo. Will you check the stables? Specifically Ginger’s pen? He is very fond of that horse.” 

Rose nodded, and they made their way to the stables. 

Lily crossed paths with Josh the stable boy. “Josh, have you seen Leo?” she asked, stopping the stable hand. 

“No I haven't, Lady Clover. My apologies.” Josh dipped his head, then continued walking. 

Where could Leo be? Lily asked the rest of the stable staff. No one had seen Leo. She walked up to Ginger’s pen. Rose was standing there, stroking the beautiful mare. “Not here either?” Lily asked. 

Rose shook her head. “And he didn't take Ginger for a ride either.” 

Lily ran her fingers through her hair. They had to find Leo, he was too young to be out by himself. 

“Shall we consult an officer?” Rose asked. “Officer March might have seen him.” 

Lily nodded, stress pouring down on her like an awful storm. 

“Calm down, Lily. We will find him.” Rose grabbed her sister’s hand. 

“I know, I’m just worried.” Lily squeezed Rose’s hand. 

Rose led her down the street towards Officer March. “Officer March!” she called. 

Officer March turned at her voice. “Lady Clover, Miss Clover. Is something amiss?” he asked. 

“Yes. our brother has gone missing.” Lily said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. 

“Mr. Leo Clover, correct?” Officer March asked. 

Rose nodded. “Have you seen him?” 

“Would that be him over there?” he pointed across the street. 

Lily turned, and saw little Leo looking into the window of the bakery. Relief flowed through her. “Thank you ever so much, Officer March.” 

He nodded. “Anytime ladies.” he started whistling and walked down the road. 

Lily let go of Rose’s hand and crossed over to Leo. “Leo.” she knelt down and pulled him into her arms. 

“Lily, you are squeezing me too tight.” Leo complained. 

“My apologies.” Lily stood up. “You had me worried sick, Little Lion. Why did you leave without telling anyone? You know you are not supposed to leave without someone with you, whether that be either Rose or I, or a stable hand.” she scolded. 

Leo nodded. “Please forgive me, I just wanted to look at the freshly baked treats,” he said quietly. 

“Why didn't you tell me? I could have brought you here, and bought you something.” Lily took his hand and squeezed it lightly. 

“You were off visiting Mother and Father. And I knew Rose wouldn't have left her room.” Leo looked down at the ground. 

“Are you hungry, Little Lion?” Lily asked. “Is that why you wanted to see the baked goods?” 

Leo nodded. 

“Alright. How about we buy a small loaf of bread and a queen cake?” She picked up her brother and sat him on her hip, his little body weighing not much more than an unfortunate hound.

Leo smiled. “And a fruit tart?” he asked. 

Lily smiled back. “If they have fruit tarts.”

“Looks like the baker is out at the moment.” Rose whispered. 

Lily had to strain to understand. She looked at the door. “Is it locked?” 

Rose tried the handle and nodded. 

“Look!” Leo pointed down the street. “It's Mr. Brooke!” 

Lily looked in the direction Leo pointed and saw the Baker’s son, Xander Brooke walking towards them. 

“Hello, have you been waiting long?” Mr. Brooke asked as he unlocked the door. 

Leo shook his head. “No. My sisters just got here.” he answered. 

Lily set Leo down, and he followed Mr. Brooke into the bakery. Rose followed after.

“Do you have any fruit tarts?” Leo asked, as Mr. Brooke walked behind the counter. 

“Not at the moment, but I can make you some.” Mr. Brooke responded. 

Lily hung back at the front door. She was glad to see Leo getting something to eat, and Rose out of her room, but there was something about Mr. Brooke that felt off, and she didn't know what to think of it. 

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