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the ibella's request:

then ibella walks near to pinkleaf and then ibella said: ''hi pinkleaf!'' and then also pinkleaf talks to ibella for a while: ''hi/hey ibella and how are you?'' and also ibella said: ''hey can you make me a soft serve watermelon yogurt'' and then pinkleaf also said/replies to ibella: ''ok sure i will try and sure to make it''

after when to pinkleaf's house................

and then ibella said after went to pinkleaf's house and she said: ''why are you send me to your house PinkLeaf?'' and then also pinkleaf replies to ibella: ''because there's my kitchen and i don't work at resturant.......'' and ibella accepts the fact and she said: ''ok.'' 

*pinkleaf went to the room to see the instructions*

and pinkleaf searched: ''watermelon desserts on google'' and sees that ibella requests/ask and he found: 

Watermelon Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt 

and sees the instructions and ingredients: 

Seedless watermelon, Vanilla Greek Yogurt

and pinkleaf writes the list to make dessert and went to kitchen after that 

*after making an dessert*

and pinkleaf said to ibella: ''ibella heres your watermelon dessert, sorry if its bad...'' and then ibella: *tastes* and ibella also said ''hey! pinkleaf this dessert tastes pretty good!'' and pinkleaf says to ibella: ''thank you!'' 

RB battles: pinkleaf's cooking (Complete Anyways Cuz I'm Lazy To Do It)Where stories live. Discover now