Chapter 14 - Deviation

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"Time's almost up, everyone!" Four announces from one of the large pillars, examining the landscape below for the contestants before frowning angrily at the sight one. "Grrr, where are they?!" He growls, shifting and teleporting to different places, popping up out of bushes and walking into archaic buildings to attempt and locate anyone to no avail. It isn't until he hears a sigh that he teleports away once more to the source of the noise, coming face to face with you. You yelp and tumble backwards at Four suddenly just appearing in front of you like that, clutching your chest. "Do you always have to do that?! Jeez, Four!"

Four stares through you with a big smile, stretching an arm around to your back to pick you up as if you were a cat by its scruff, setting you back on your feet. "What are you doing here all by yourself, Y/N? Shirking out of co-co-hosting duties, hmmm?~" He teases with a smug grin, leaning towards you. You scoff playfully, placing a hand on the side of his nub to push him back just a bit. "What are you talking about? I was just taking care of these rocks like X told me."

Four looks over at the large pile of rocks that you were gesturing to, looking back at you, perplexed. "Wha?" They grunt. You feel a little anxious by that response, as if your work may not have been good enough for him. You start to explain your assignment nervously, and what you did to solve the problem. "W-well, X told me that there were too many rocks and that would upset you since it was not an amount divisible by 4, so...I just got rid of a few. It didn't take me too long or anything. X said that there were 867, so I just got rid of 3 of them since 864 is divisible by 4. They've been gone for...a pretty long time though, so I've just been kind of waiting for them to get back." You elaborate and Four blinks, his expression blank. You nervously fiddle with your hands, " that alright?" You finally ask, Four reaching out to cup your cheeks, pinching a little rougher than you would like. "Aaaawww~ Y/N~ You didn't have to do all that for me!~" He chirps, appearing to be touched by the gesture. "I didn't...? But..." You answer, confused about X's explanation about him becoming irate from the wrong amount of rocks present. "And you've arranged all 864 remaining rocks in the shape of a 4 from a bird's eye view! How sweet!~"

You didn't do that. And you're not really sure how Four was seeing that when he was standing right in front of you.

"I did???" You reply, stunned. "You don't have to be so modest, Y/N! Thank you so much for the nice gesture!" He says, pulling you in for a firm hug. Regardless of the whole strange situation, it's nice to see Four so happy because of you and you pat their back. "I'm glad you like it, Four." They step back from you, checking the invisible watch on their wrist and gasping. "Looks like time's up!" They say, wrapping a hand around you waist as they look off in the distance, seeing a small cluster of individuals and taking off. The wind blows in your ears and the sheer speed that you are suddenly moving causes your limbs to flail behind you until Four halts, leaving you feeling a little frazzled. The ground rumbles slightly under Four's feet once they land, the huddled contestants and X all looking over at the two of you with shocked expressions.

"Four-colored team! It's time to show me the location you've picked!"

They all look to one another, uncertain and filled with dread. X had pulled them all aside and in the midst of all the gossiping and planning, they had totally lost sight of the competition. Four raises a brow, putting his hands on his hips. "Well- where is it, huh? Unless...this is the spot you've picked..." They glance around with scrutinizing eyes, and the Four-colored team can already tell Four's not liking what they see. "W-we'll show it to you in just a moment! But first...why don't you and Y/N take a break over here? It's pretty nice!" Gelatin says, ushering the two of you over to a table. It's a small table, suited for a cafe with a candle in the center. There is an empty wine glass for you and a juicebox for Four on the respective sides, both of you pushed into your seats by the gelatinous contestant.

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