1 : Prologue ✨

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"You're fired, Y/n"

It's not the first time I've been told that. I've been working at a fast food restaurant for about 3 weeks now and it seems like today was my last day. I've been nothing but good to the customers and the employees.

"I understand sir" I said as I walk out his office. I went to the back and pack my stuff up and left. I called a taxi and told him the direction to my apartment.

After he drop me off I paid him and walked in. My apartment wasn't big but it was cozy and all I could afford at the moment.

I put my stuff down and made my way to the sofa where I collapse down on there, soon enough my pet dog came and lick my hand.

"Hey buddy how you been" I coos as I pat his head. He let out little barks and spun around in a circle chasing his tail, it was like he was telling me about his day.

I laughed at the goofiness of my dog, he was one of a kind. He was also a gift from my parents and I treasured him every since until they passed away. But now it seems like he was getting a little old.

He laid on his back and I gave him some belly rubs. After that I'll hop off the sofa to make my way towards the kitchen to feed him.

"Are you hungry Buddy?" I questioned him shaking the bag of dog food in my head. Once he heard a wrestling noise of his food, he ran his way towards the kitchen and stopped by my feet.

"You are hungry Buddy" I pat his head and begin to make his food. He is slowly than usual but I know that by now since it seems like that he was getting a little old.

'Mommy's poor thing'

I made my way back to the sofa and pulled out my phone to look for new jobs I could apply for. Living on low money and by myself wasn't easy but I made it possible. I had to drop out of college and high school in order to pay for bills, rent and hospital bills.

Nobody knows what I went through but I would like to keep it that way since I really don't like pity or sympathy. I just didn't like to hear 'I'm sorry for your loss' every time I told someone that.

I was thinking about heading back to school but I think it's a little too late for all that, maybe in another lifetime I live happy good life. But right now none of that will be having it.

I apply for three as a jobs and took a nap.


I woked up to barks and it seems like Buddy was irritated by my alarm going off. I quickly shut off the alarm so he can be quiet. A let out a groan and got up. It was time for me to head to my second job.

I didn't really want to go there since the boss there gave me more shifts than anybody else with no pay. She was a mean one and I didn't like that her nor did she like to me. But my co-workers was even worse. They will purposely make me do other things and/or frame me and blame things on me even though it wasn't me. If I came in a little late I'll be punished with doing extra work but if it was one of them, they'll get off the hook.

It was obvious she have favorites there and it was obvious that I was the least favorite among them. The only thing I can do is cope with my life. My unfair, hard life.

I put on my work clothes and light makeup. I work three positions there; a cook, a bartender and sometimes a waiter. I didn't really cook since we had cooks and I didn't really take orders since we have waiters but I was mainly a bartender at a bar. The bar wasn't far from where I live but I did have to take a bus or an Uber.

Once I put on some clothes and makeup I headed out I made sure Buddy had enough food and water for tonight since I won't be back until 2:00 a.m. in the morning and I left grabbing my phone and keys, locking the door.

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