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On the way to the OR they ran into Bailey
"What do we got?" She asked
"Take a look." Thalia smiled at her

Bailey lifted the blanket noticing him bleeding from his penis
"Uh, let's get him to O.R. One. Thalia call the chief and security."she ordered

Thalia grabbed her cooler before running of to get the chief. Once she had made it to his office she didn't bother nocking and just walked in
"Chief we got the raspiest." She said out of breath

The chief nodded before calling security while Thalia ran back over to O.R. So she could join in on the surgery

Thalia watched the surgery before standing next to Christina
"I saw Allison. You can't believe the beating that she took. And then to see this." She said her voice breaking at the end,

"It's like that old saying, 'you should see the other guy'." Christina said, when Thalia went to speak
"Why are we not attempting to Re-attach the severed penis?" Doctor Bailey asked

"Teeth don't slice they tear. You can only reattach with a clean cut. If she wanted to slice him off with a knife..." Christina answered
"Besides, the digestive Juices didn't leave much of the flesh to work with." Thalia continued smiling at her friend

"Right so what do we do?" Bailey asked her interns
"See him up minus a large part of the family jewels." Christina said right away
"And his outlook?" Bailey asked looking up at them
"He'll be urinating out of a bag for a very, very long time. Not to mention he'll never have sex again." Both Christina and Thalia said at the same time causing a few heads to turn to them
"Oh, to bad." Christina said in a uncaring voice
"Shame." Thalia joked

"Let's all take a moment to grieve. Clamp." And just like that the moment was over


Thalia left to find Derek to share the great news. Once she got to him she leaned in Alison's door way as she watched him check Alison's vitals

"We got the rapist." She spoke to him after a few seconds
"Really?" He asked turning around and walking up to her
"Yeah he stumbled right into the hospital." She said leaning on his chest

"She didn't deserve this." He told her.
"No she didn't. And she won't ever feel scared again." Thalia told him
"What are you planning?" He asked looking down at her

"Nothing you need to worry about." She told him kissing him before leaving

"that woman is going to be the death of me." Derek mumbled


Thalia went to the locker room to take out her and her friends dinner, as she asked Alfred to make them some, and her phone before heading to were she knew her friends would be. They always ate lunch their

"My head hurts." Alex complained as he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed
"Maybe it's a tumor." Christina grinned
"You wish I had a tumor." Alex said

"Alright I brought you guys dinner." Thalia said as she walked up to them with George and Izzy trailing behind her, when she that both of them sat up
"Is it your cooking?" Alex hoped
"No, but it is Alfred's." Thalia said causing Alex's smile to falter

Thalia handed them all a container before sitting in between Alex and Christina with her cooler between her legs. They all ate dinner in silence, when they were basically done Bailey walked in

She looked at them in a way when the others got up and left Thalia stayed and offered Bailey a container to.
"What's in here?" She asked cautiously
"Dinner. I had Alfred make one for you since I noticed you never ate dinner and that's not good as your body needs the energy." She said

Just as Thalia took the last bite her pager went off. She hurdle closed the container and picked up her cooler
"Leave the box here when your done I got a friend coming to get them."

Thalia walked up to the nursery and saw the baby she was talking to the nurse earlier in his own room. She went in a sat down as she watched the nurse work

"His heart surgery is scheduled for the morning." She said before turning to look at Thalia "I really did think I was right, you know." She said

"I know. We almost never are. We're interns. We're not supposed to be right. And when we are, it's completely shocking." She said truthfully

"And what about you?" The nurse asked
"I'm different, but I'm still an intern."

Thalia stayed there for most of the night
Next morning:

Thalia was paged to the chiefs office because the police was here.
"So, here is we're you have the signature, and down here, the Initials." Patrica told her

"It just says that the, um... the..." chief Webber stuttered
"Penis." Thalia smirked at him
"Look, I'm a doctor. I mean it shouldn't be weird to say this. It just says that is was never out of your sight." He continued
"Here you go, one penis." Thalia joked

She handed him the cooler and he handed it to the police officer who was standing in the door way.

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