Chapter twelve - Mr. Johnson

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After a few weeks y/n was released. She wasn't allowed to leave the hospital room and a police officer and nurse were in her room at all times. Y/n was now sitting in front of a journalist, Danny Johnson.

"Do you know anyone that would attack you willingly?"

Y/n shakes her head, "No, I hardly talk to anyone."

"Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary, like anything happened specifically before the attacks?"

"No. Only that it was eerily quiet."

He bites the cap of his pen, "before the attacks, did anything pop up that wasn't meant to be there or someone?"

Y/n pauses, "yeah. The night before the first attack a carefully wrapped plate of food was sat on my kitchen counter."

"I see."

"May I go now?" Y/n asks.

"Yep." Y/n and Danny both get up.

"Before you do," He takes a piece of paper out of his notepad and hands it to y/n. "Take this incase you have something else or just need someone to talk to."

Y/n puts it in her pocket and nods.

"Will do Mr. Johnson."

"Danny. Call me Danny."

"Alright, Danny." Y/n smiles a bit as she walks out.

Once y/n gets inside her house she puts her bag down and goes upstairs. Getting into bed. She was worn out and just wanted to sleep.

She was awoken in the middle of the night, thirst woke her up. Her mouth was like a desert. She slowly took the blankets off of her and got up. She made sure to not turn any lights on to keep the sleepiness within her. She shuffles down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The oven vent light was on, giving her enough light to see where she was going. The moonlight shines through the see-through white curtains. Y/n grabbed a glass cup out of the cabinet and put a few ice cubes in it.

She turned the sink on and put the glass cup under it. Letting the tap water hit the ice and glass cup. She turned the water off and took a long sip.

As she puts the glass down on this counter a clinking noise goes throughout the kitchen. She yawned and placed her soft hand over her mouth. As she turned around a flash of light goes throughout the kitchen, as if it was a lightning storm without any rain or thunder. She looked around, another flash went through the kitchen, and another.

"Stu if that's you it isn't funny. I'm tired and want to go to sleep, Please."

Another flash goes through the house, "Stu!"

"It's not Stuart." Y/n whips her head around and is met with a person, the man that has been attacking her.

"Not here to hurt you, not this time, bitch." He pulls down the polaroid camera down and sets it on the kitchen island.

"You'll be caught."

"I don't think so." He goes around y/n, now standing behind her.

He takes a part of y/n's hair and strokes it. He puts his head down to her ear, "How do you think I'll be caught, you don't even know what I look like."

Y/n fell silent, he was right. He was so fucking right. His hand crept up y/n's head and grabbed a fist full of her hair, yanking her head back to look at him. His other free hand creeps up to her face his gloved hand grabbing her chin to make her look at him.


"Why? Because you deserve what's coming to you."

His hand let go of her face and he grabbed his knife, putting it to her neck.

"Fuck you." Y/n spoke out.

The man presses the knife to her throat more, "no, fuck you Y/n. And your goddamn family too."

"I didn't do shir to you." Y/n snapped.

"I wouldn't talk to me like that. I have the fucking knife!" The man raised his voice which made Y/n coward.

"I have...been searching for your father for years. Goddamn years. And this is the closest I've ever gotten."

"My father did nothing to you."

"Oh but he see Y/n...your father was a bad man when me and him were school friends."

Y/n struggles against him as she felt the blade draw blood.

"Your father is getting what's coming to him." The man let's Y/n go.

"You leave him out of this."

", I don't think I will." The man picked up his camera and put his knife in his waist holster.

"I'll see you soon, Y/n."

The man took off out the back door, leaving Y/n afraid and cold in the darkness of her kitchen.

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