Chapter ~2

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It's kinda difficult writing an omegaverse honestly lol. If I don't get some stuff accurate, feel free to correct me but hey, not harshly but kindly. I'm trying my best.


Pete stood at the Columbarium with an urn that contained his mother's ashes in hand. Emotionally, he felt completely numb. He felt empty and dead inside. He didn't care about anything or anybody around him. He felt completely disconnected from the world.

His eyes trailed down to the urn of ashes and his heart twisted but this time, he had no tears left to give. He hadn't shed a single tear since regaining consciousness in the hospital. He kept all the pain inside, not wanting anyone to see his tears. 

"You haven't spoken a word since you regained consciousness." The man standing close by finally inquired of Pete.

Wordlessly, Pete turned to peek at his savior, the beta his mom directed him to. He was used to Pete's silence and decided not to press him further. "You can go ahead. Don't mind me." He announced and Pete looked away from him.

He carefully placed the urn inside the columbarium putting a flower beside it. Rest well, Mom. He shut his eyes tight. One day, I'll avenge you and make him pay. He paid his last respect and with a heavy heart, turned away to leave.

The man breathed a sigh of relief because they'd been standing there for hours. "Hey kiddo, what are your plans now?" Seeing Pete wasn't attempting to respond he went on, "You should know this." Pete came to a halt at his words. "Everyone wants to take care of their loved ones but life is full of uncertainties and unfortunately your mom had to leave like this. You have to live now by yourself and be the best at it."

Pete turned to fully face the man and finally, after three days he spoke, "Help me then, Prem."

This was the first time hearing the omega's voice since he met him. Prem Natarat was a beta in his late forties who inevitably was his own boss. He owned an underground organization that runs similarly to the mafia. Interestingly, his group was full of nothing but strong betas who could go up against anyone if they wanted to. He wasn't a simple man even at first glance. He was well-built and outrageously handsome, and also, a very good friend to Vine.

Raising a brow questionably at the omega, "Your parents left you more than enough you could survive on even without working so what you want from me isn't money-related. What help do you need?"

Pete took a few seconds to finalize his decision and when he was done, "Let me into your organization."

The man was bewildered. "Did I hear you right? You're an omega in case you forgot that bit. Joining my line of business will be impossible."

Pete snapped immediately at his words. "I thought you were different? Do you also discriminate against omegas? Are you going to call me weak then?" He clenched his fists.

Prem's eyes made it down to Pete's clenched fist and smirked. "Hold on kiddo, I will never do that. My group is strictly betas only. Even if you disguise as a beta just so the whole world wouldn't recognize your rank, it's nearly impossible to be in my group because you'd need intense training to catch up."

Pete was desperate at this point. He made a promise and he needed to fulfill it at all costs. "I really want to cover up my scent. I know your group of betas wouldn't catch up on my scent even if I joined as an omega but the thing is, I don't want to live as an omega anymore... I don't want it and I know even if I'm weak, I can catch up to them just fine if I tried." He said in one breath. "I want to be safe from those alphas and that is why I want disguise myself and gain a some strength."

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