Chapter 7: Blast from the Past

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Liam walks into his room and sees Angel at his desk, writing. Angel then asks "Hey Liam, what happened when you ran away from Brian? I don't like telling that story, besides you wouldn't like what he had done". "Please," Angel said. "Fine".

Liam is only 82 years old and still, a kid who was told to go to his room by Brian, his dad. His uncle Red-Eye forced a potion the Red-Eye disappeared. Brian started screaming and turned Evil. He secretly started Shadow and started taking over other planets and ruling them. One day, his wife Alex, told little Liam that Angel ran away, and he cried. Alex then talked to Brian and that's the day when Brian killed his wife Alex because of how evil he was. Brian then started to go look for Liam to kill or covert him. Liam, having the powers of nature from his mother could not turn evil unless he wanted to. 

Liam ran up to his mother, blood was everywhere from a saber stab. Brian then walked in then said, "What have you done". Liam ran. Brian chasing after him. Liam shot vines at Brian. Brian broke out of them and then started destroying his home planet. Electricity going everywhere. Liam opened a portal to Tavalsh. Brian hit Liam with electricity and blocked Liam's memory from knowing who his family was and that he had powers. He was told and trained to hate anyone in his path from getting the 2nd Power Crystal.

"Brian killed our mother? Yep, I didn't even see her in Power Palace. Weird. Then my search ends for mother. "You've been searching for her? Why do you think lots of comms are in the comm room?

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