"sleepy" kenlev

256 7 15

If you want to look at it as platonic or romantic, up to you!
Lev came over at kenmas house to play video games. Over the years, kenma and lev relationship bloomed, Specially when it came to kenma, he was originally irritated and annoyed by his mere existence, but now oddly enough finds himsel feeling at ease when he is around.

"Dude how do you keep losing?? We're on the easiest mode here.." kenma teased.

Lev groaned " i wish i knew. The only game i was ever good at was candy crush"

Kenma burst into laughter, falling on his back, clutching his stomach "CANDY CRUSH?? UR KIDDING RIGHT??"

Lev giggled, scratching the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "HAHA yeah, i also like indie games tho, like tattle tail and doki doki" kenma sat up with a shocked look on his face "YOU PLAYED DOKI DOKI?! FUCK OFF..NO WAY"

"NO IM SERIOUS! i dont play games much, i mainly just watch television"

Lev yawned, eyes all teary

"Its cool you played doki doki tho..and you seem really tired. It is late, are you gonna go home now?" Kenmas voice became much more softer, as if he doesnt want him to go.

"Mm..way too tired. Cant i spend the night here?"

"Oh yeah sure" kenma face blushed a little.

Lev smiled, got up and layed down on the couch. Looked back at kenma and stretched his arms out.

Kenma tilted his head, confused at the boys actions..until it hit him. Face even more flushed

"Lev, no"

"Kenma, yes"

"Lev i am not cuddling you, thats gay."

"Nothing is wrong with cuddling your bros, now come on"

Lev pleaded until kenma gave in.

Kenma slowly made his way over to lev, "come on sleepyhead" lev patted his chest.

Kenma sighed and layed down, placed his hands and head on levs chest. Lev played and tangled with kenmas hair softly, and before you know it, kenma fell asleep.

Lev wrapped his arms around kenma, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sorry if this is bad! Its been a while!! ☆

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