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It was around 2 am, it rained softly. kenma sat on the edge of the bed,eyes glued onto the screen infront of him, enhanced in the game he was playing.

Kenma felt his eyes threatning to close, his body begged for sleep. Kenma knew he shouldn't be waking up so late at night, but the boy couldn't help it.

He was currently trying to get pass an enemy but failed many times, he wouldn't stop though, he tried and tried-But each time he tried he kept failing. Miserably.

Anger and fustration built up in him and without thinking he shouted, "fucking hell!". His eyes then went wide in shock,realizing what he did. He cursed himself silently, shit..He waited for a while..then kenma sighed in relief, he thought his boyfriend didn't hear him until he heard a groan.

"Hng.." kenma turned his head to the sound coming from behind him, shit he mumbled softly. He froze and watched he saw his boyfriend slowly waking up, making eye contact with him.

"Kenma..?" Lev spoke still half alseep.
"s-sorry babe..i didn't mean to wake you! Please..just go back to sleep yeah?.." kenma spoke in a soft tone. Lev looked at the boy infront of him and noticed that he had dark eyebags, and he saw that kenma was fighting urge to sleep.

Lev frowned, "hey..please come sleep with should be in bed" lev sighed, kenma looked away in shame.
"Sorry..i just cant sleep" kenma said while scratching the back of his head,

"Lets cuddle then, im a great cuddler you know? You'll fall alseep in no time kenken!" Lev smiled softly. He patted his empty spot, kenma understood and nodded.

He took off the television and placed his controller on a small table next to it. He then slowly crawled into bed and snuggled into his boyfriends chest. Lev wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer, spooning him. Kenma legs were entangled with lev's. He could feel the boys heartbeat, it felt rather comfortating.

Within a minute, kenma fell alseep. Soft snores could be heard from him, his face was buried into the taller ones chest, he was embraced in warmth. Lev had a certain scent that just made kenma felt relaxed, it would make him feel much more calm.

Lev noticed that kenma was alseep and smiled, he kissed his head gently and whispered, "love you..".

Both males slept peacefully within eachothers arms, engulfed in tranquility
The end

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