Chapter 8

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Natalie's POV
2 weeks later
4 am

Natalie's POV2 weeks later4 am

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Natalie and the twins outfits

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Natalie and the twins outfits

" Hold mommy's hand " I said to the twins as we where about to board the jet with the others

They held my hand and we walked up until we where inside

Over the past couple of weeks my relationship with Demon had improved so her kept his promise

" You guys excited" Chrissy said

" We are grandma" they said and she took there hands bringing them to their seats

I buckled into my seat and demon board a few minutes later and took his seat beside me and buckled in

" Good morning this is your captain speaking we are about to take off and start of journey to Italy please be sure to fasten your seatbelts and stay seated until told otherwise" he said and the plane started moving

I stared outside as the plane ran fast on the runway and it took off into the air

" And we are now in the sir please feel free to move around but if possibly stay seated as unexpected turbulence can take place" he said before cutting off again

" What hotel are we going to"

" Sogaris Contemporary Hotel" Demon said and I nodded

I leaned on the window and started to close my eyes

" You know you can lean on me right" Demon said calmly

I leaned on his shoulder and closed my  eyes hoping that sleep would take over fast

And it did cause I was out like light

8 hours later

" River, Rain wake up we here " I said shaking the twins

They groaned before waking up and I picked up Rain and Demon picked up River

We walked down the stairs as black SUVS where parked up for us with security

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