shut up, kyle

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My part-time job at the Buy Fresh Market had been the bane of my existence. It was only less miserable since Ben had worked there as well.

Ben's phone dinged as I finished with a customer. "Is that Mandy?" I asked him, adding more bags—that my little co-worker troll, Kyle, dropped off—to my pile.

"Yeah, says she finished early at the soup kitchen—so we're gonna pick her up before we go tonight," Ben said, as he scratched his eyebrow.

I hummed in acceptance.

"Who you texting, huh? You're girlfriend?" Kyle said, plopping down bags onto Ben's register.

"Just a friend," Ben replied. "I don't have a girlfriend,"

"Obviously," Kyle snickered. "Man, I was joking,"

I scoffed, and walked over to Ben's register, leaning against it.

"You know what, Kyle? I don't need this from you, okay? You're a freshman. I'm a senior. Treat me with some respect." Ben retorted.

"Come on. You're barely a senior. You don't even drive a car."

"I do! I gave you a ride home,"

"Right. Your janky Ford Fiesta! It's basically a go-kart," Kyle teased.

"Your name is literally Kyle," I shot at him. Kyle glanced over at me, and furrowed his eyebrows. "What? It's a horrible name. But it suits you. Troll,"

"Oh, shove it, Jasmine. You don't drive at all,"

"Because I have crippling anxiety," I told him, without a care. "What else you got, Freshmeat?"

"Whatever. I bet neither of you have even been to a party." Kyle challenged.

"We've been to parties," Ben scoffed.

"With drinking?"

"I'm sure one of the adults was had a glass of wine in the other room," I said.

"I bet you've never even hooked up with a girl," Kyle said to Ben, making me gasp. "And I know you've never had a boyfriend so, don't bother answering,"

I held my hands up.

"I've kissed a girl before," Ben shrugged, making me flush.

"Kissed? Ugh, what are you, nine?" Kyle said. He noticed my bright red face. "Oh my God, were you the girl he kissed?" Kyle laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"If you must know, I wanted my first kiss to be special," I said, simply. "And Ben is my best friend," Ben stopped for a moment and sent me a smile.

"Whatever—I'm talking about your P in a V." Kyle said, and Ben got defensive again.

"I don't have to prove anything to you!" he yelled.

"You just did," Kyle laughed. "See that guy?" Ben and I turned to look at who he was talking about.

Graham Lansing.

"His P has been in some V," Kyle said, nodding. "He's a senior."

Graham turned and began to walk toward Ben's register.

"He's coming!" Kyle screeched, taking a breath. "Don't embarrass me,"

"You're a bag boy, Kyle. That ship has sailed," Ben said.

"Sup," Kyle said, sounding like he was dying.

"You sound constipated, Kyle," I muttered, and he hit my arm.

"How you guys doing?" Graham said. "Hey, Jaz,"

"Hi," I crossed my arms over my chest, awkwardly.

Graham's parents were close friends with my own—which sort of made us friends. I preferred the term acquaintance.

"Hey, Graham?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, bud?" Graham replied.

"Have you, uh, decided where you're going
to college yet?"

"Not you too," Graham chuckled. "Sorry. At a certain point you never want to hear that question again. You guys will understand when you're seniors," he said to the boys. Kyle let out a strained laugh.

"He's a senior," he squealed.

"My bad, man. What school you at?" Graham asked Ben.

"Our school, Graham," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah," Ben said. "Jaz and I have been friends for years," he chuckled.

"Right. Right, you're uh.."

"Ben Plunkett," Ben said.

"No Nuts Plunkett. Of course!" Graham said, making me frown.

"No Nuts Plunkett?" Kyle laughed.

"Someone gave this kid a Snickers in the sixth grade field trip. Blew up like a puffer fish, like—It was crazy. You okay from that?" he asked Ben, who had begun to look uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I mean, I recovered so.."

"Well, sorry I didn't recognize you, No Nuts. It's just, you just look different when you're not all swollen," Graham said. "But uh, see you at school—and hey! Go Bulldogs,"

Kyle barked, making me look at him with a roll of my eyes.

"I hate him," I said to Ben. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..just, forget it," he frowned.


Angelina Speaks:

Lowkey, Kyle is my favorite. He's just so out of pocket. 😭

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