Chapter 1

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I have been walking down the smooth road for about 30 minutes now, the wind is blowing softly this morning. I can feel him behind me but he doesn’t know I’m aware of his presence. Not that he’s being sneaky with his movements; honestly does he want me to know he’s there? I’ve sensed him before he’s been following me for quite some time, a few days precisely. I keep walking and try my best to ignore him, but once I’m in a more secluded area I turn around and confront him.

“I know you’re there. I’d appreciate it if you’d quit following me, and tell me what you want.” I say loud enough for him to hear how annoyed I really am. He came out of the shadows with a slight smirk on his lips.

"What I want is your help. Specifically, Thorns." He smugly responds

I step back in confusion, "How do you know who my father is?". He steps closer to me, clearly enjoying my reaction. He doesn't have any bad intentions, though I can't tell what they are. He says he wants my fathers help but with what?

"Well I have to admit, it took some time for me to figure out," he chuckles. "I saw you at Crullo Manor, about five years ago. At first I wasn't sure if I actually saw anything, but thinking back I realized I saw you. Then I looked closer, noticing you look a lot like Thorn."

I realize now that I have seen him before. He was leaning against the wall smoking, but I was sure he didn't see me. Clearly I was wrong, but that still doesn't explain what he wants. Also he knows my father enough to attend his dinner party but can't ask him for help himself? "So you follow me around because of a simple observation?" I huff, "How do you know we'll even help you?".

His obnoxious bright green eyes widen a little, and he rubs his chin with his right hand. I hear him whisper that he didn't think about that part. I roll my eyes, he thinks just because I was locked up my whole life that I'll just blindly follow a stranger's plan? He still hasn't told me anything of importance and I'm losing my patience. "Are you going to tell me your plan or continue thinking yourself into a migraine?"

He chuckles at what I said then his face turns serious. "I want you and Thorn to help me bring humans and vampires together."

He says it with so much confidence I have to laugh. He can't seriously think that's possible and I tell him that. I also explain to him that they haven't gotten along in centuries, and it's unlikely his plan is going to change that. His face contorts into a scowl and he tells me I shouldn't be so pessimistic. I tell him I'm just being realistic.

He scowls more "Look with Thorns status and power the plan will definitely work. Also we would need a human on our side and we have you. So can you just ask him?" He asks, then snarkily adds "And I hope he's more optimistic than you."

"I'd have to be in on the plan to ask," I remind him with a glare, "and I'm not, and I wouldn't ask anyway because I already know his answer is no."

He's been bothering me for a few weeks about this stupid plan, in that time I've learned his name is William, but he prefers Will. He's determined, which is admirable but so very annoying. I hear knocking on my window, when I turn around Will smiles and waves at me. I send him a glare and gesture for him to go away, he pouts and clamps his hands together in a pleading motion. I roll my eyes but get up to open the window, "Go away!" I hiss.

Instead he tumbles through my window, as if he were in a spy movie. He stands up and dramatically brushes his clothes off with a smile. "Did you ask him yet?" he asks, breathless, fixing his curly blond hair. I huff out a no and his smile falters.

"Why not, Eclipse? It will bring your father less stress," he sings "Considering he won't have to worry about you all the time." Will hasn't taken this approach yet, surprisingly, and it's highly convincing. He flops on my bed dramatically, "Also like I've said before you won't have to look over your shoulder so much." He reminds me.

I sit next to him as he continues to go on and on about what would happen if the plan works. When we hear someone clear their throat, in the doorway stands my father.

"What are you doing in my manor, most importantly in my daughter's room?" he questions displeased. Will stands up quickly and starts to explain why he's here.

"Well, since you're here. I have a plan to-" before Will could finish my father cuts him off.

"I already heard you drone on about your plan. It's highly dangerous and neither one of us is going to be involved." he grumbles. He moves to the side and gestures for Will to walk out. Instead he asks how dangerous it could really be, especially with fathers help.

Father huffs and leans on his black cane, the silver bat facing Will. "Do you know of the Fanged Shadows?" He questions, as Will and I smile at the ridiculous name.

"Yes, I am aware of them, and they don't scare me." He informs, with a proud smile. My father looks at him like he's the most brainless person on earth.

"You, my boy, are daft if you think you can get past them unscathed." He scolds, "Now out." He points down the hall toward the stairs. William leaves looking defeated but I know, from experience, he hasn't given up.

I look up at my father "Who are the Fanged Shadows?" I ask with a slight smile. He sighs, before walking over and sitting next to me.

"They're a very dangerous group of vampires that are known for killing humans." He explains. "Please, dear, stay away from him. His entire plan is a suicide mission, especially for you." he gets up and kisses the top of my head before leaving.

I can tell there is something he isn't telling me, but I'm not going to pry answers out of him. Though I'm curious as to what he's keeping from me. Maybe if I join Will's plan he'll tell me what it is. I know it's stupid, but I need to know. I groan and fall back on my bed, rubbing my face in annoyance.

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