Chapter 10

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It's the next morning, when I stretch a sharp pain shoots through my back. I didn't think I hit the ground that hard. I stand up slowly, then make my way down stairs. 

When I get down stairs I see Will sitting on the couch in the living room.

"I'm surprised you're not helping him make breakfast." I say, sitting next to him. 

"I want to," he huffs, "but he's put me on couch arrest." 

"You're lucky he even let you leave your bed." I say. 

"He wasn't going to, but I put up a fight about it." He says, smiling slightly. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask. 

"Awful, though Thorn babying me is helping me feel better." He chuckles. 

I look at him, scrunching my eyebrows together. What does he mean my father is babying him? I'm about to ask, but my father walks in the room. 

"Breakfast is ready," he announces, then looks at me, his eye widening slightly, "Good morning Eclipse, when did you come down?" 

"Good morning, and a little bit ago." I answer. 

He nods, then walks over to the couch, helping Will stand, and walk to the dining room. I follow behind them, then we all sit down to eat. 

"Why were you surprised when you saw me on the couch?" I ask my father, he pauses, not looking up at me. 

"He carried me down the stairs, my real life prince." Will chirps, with a big smile. 

"That's all?" I ask, confused. 

"Oh, and-" Will starts, but my father cuts him off. 

"Yes- yes that's all." My father stammers. 

Will glances at him with a slight smirk, then continues eating. I look between them confused, but drop the subject.

Once we finish eating, my father collects the plates, and takes them to the kitchen.

"I heard you fought Blake all by yourself." Will says. 

"Kind of, the amulet helped." I shrug. 

He laughs a little, "Don't act nonchalant, the fact you could do it is impressive." 

My father walks back in the room, with a glass of water, and something in his other hand. 

"So, what are the plans for today?" Will asks, looking up at him. 

"You're going to rest." He answers, handing him a painkiller, and the glass of water. 

Will sighs, but takes the pill nonetheless. My father helps him stand, and they walk to the living room, I follow behind them. 

My father helps him sit on the couch, then he sits down in his chair. 

"Well, since I'm not allowed to do anything, can I at least read?" Will asks. 

"You can read?" I ask, jokingly. 

"Ha ha, yes, I can read." He deadpans, then continues, "I just don't like reading, but I'd rather do that than nothing."

"I'll go get you one." I say, before walking to the library down the hall. I don't come in here often, I prefer going to the library in town. It's big, probably one of the biggest rooms in the manor. There are bookshelves everywhere, and some sitting areas. There's even a top floor, but it's more like an inside balcony, the only thing up there are tables. 

I look around for a book I think he'd like, he'd probably enjoy something with a lot of action. I'm not sure I'll find anything like that in here, but it's worth the look. While I'm walking down one of the aisles of bookshelves, a book catches my eye. I pull it from the shelf, I've read this before, I remember there's a sword fight at some point. This will do, I shrug, then walk back to the living room. 

I hand Will the book, he looks at it quizzically, but starts to read. 

"I'm going upstairs to grab my sketchbook, I'll be back down." I say, before going upstairs. 

I walk into my room, and pick it up off my desk, along with a pencil. I quickly go back down stairs, and sit on the floor in front of the coffee table. I look around the room for something to draw, then I glance at Will. I decide to draw him, and start to sketch out his body using shapes. 

After a few minutes, I look up at Will, he's asleep with the book laying open on his chest. I look at my father, who's looking at Will fondly. He catches me looking at him, and stands up quickly. He lays his book down on the table next to his chair, then takes the book off of Wills' chest. 

"I'm going to take him up to bed." He informs me, before picking Will up carefully. 

I nod then go back to drawing, as he walks past me. 

When I finish the drawing, I realize my father never came back down stairs. So I get up, and start looking for him. I looked in his office first, but he wasn't there. So I looked in his room next, nothing. As I'm walking down the hallway I notice the door to his painting room is open a bit. I peek in, and see him sitting at a canvas. 

I walk in, "What are you painting?" I ask. 

He glances at me briefly, "It's a little something I started." He says, then adds, "Do you need something?"

"No, I was just looking for you." I explain, then my stomach growls, "Would you like something for lunch?" I ask. 

"A sandwich should be fine." He says. Which surprises me, he hardly ever wants to eat a sandwich. 

I nod, then go down stairs to make one for each of us. 

Once I'm finished making them, I take it up to him quickly. As I hand him the sandwich, I glance at the painting. 

"Is that supposed to be Will?" I ask. 

"Yes, I got the idea when I saw you drawing him." He says. 

"Would you like my drawing as a reference?" I ask, while sitting on a stool, across the room. 

"That would be nice, thank you." 

"No problem." I respond, before taking a bite of my sandwich. 

It's night time, and I'm about to walk down stairs to get a snack when I hear a slight commotion coming from down the hall. I go investigate, and see the bathroom door open. 

"Will you just put it in already." I hear my father say, slightly muffled. 

"It would be a lot easier if you'd stop talking." Will says, sounding frustrated. 

"What would be easier is me doing this myself." My father says, annoyed. 

I peek in, and see Will sitting on the counter, putting a silver thing in my fathers mouth. 

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, causing them to jump. 

"I'm putting a silver fang over the one that got knocked out." Will explains, with a smile, while pulling away from my father. 

"He insisted on helping." My father grumbles, but his eye is fond. 

"What are you up to?" Will asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Nothing, I was just grabbing a snack." I say. 

"Ooo get me one too!" Will exclaims, as I'm walking down the hall. 

I walk down the stairs quickly, before running to the kitchen. I use my fuzzy socks to slide to the pantry. I grab a few cookies, then hurry back upstairs. 

I walk back into the bathroom to hand Will a cookie, and notice my father is blushing slightly. I look at him confused, but I don't ask anything.

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