Chapter 11

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It's been a week, and Will's doing a lot better. My father is still babying him whenever he gets the chance though. They've gotten really close since Will's been better, I don't think they've been in separate rooms for longer than an hour all week. 

Right now I'm sitting in the library, the sun is shining, causing the snow on the windows to glimmer. My father loves the winter, especially when it snows. This time of year he's usually the calmest, I think it's the quiet comfort the snow brings. He also makes hot chocolate the most around this time, which I love. 

I get up and go look for him. The last time I saw him he was in the living room. So I look there first, I walk in the room, and stop in my tracks at the sight in front of me. Will and my father are sitting on the couch, Will straddling my fathers lap, kissing. This wasn’t any peck on the lips either, they were making out! I knew they were getting close, but I didn't realize it was this close. I back up slowly, as to not bring any attention to myself. Which doesn't go to plan, because the floor creaks, giving me away. They both look at me, my fathers face goes red, while Will just smiles. 

"I'll, uh, be in my room. You two can go back to doing… that." I say, quickly, then run up to my room. 

A few minutes later, I hear a soft knock on my door. I tell them to come in, and my father timidly steps into the room, messing with his pocket watch. 

"I'd like to talk about what you saw." He says, glancing at things around the room. 

"Dad, can you look at me please?" I ask, with a sigh. He looks at me so I continue, "I'm ok with you and Will having a thing. As long as you two are happy, I have nothing to complain about." 

My father lets out a sigh of relief, and smiles softly, "I'm glad to hear that."

"How long have you two been a thing?" I ask, as my father sits next to me on the bed. 

"It started when we got Will back, but something was there before that, of course." He says, "I-", he pauses before continuing, "I'm surprised I fell for him so quickly."

"Well, Will is pretty likable." I say, a fond smile appears on his face. 

"He's loveable." He hums. 

I look at him, my eyes widening slightly, "So, you love him?" I tease. 

"Yeah, I guess I do." He says, looking at me. I smile at him, and he smiles back. 

"Have you told Will?" I ask. 

He looks away, shaking his head, "No, not yet." 

"I think you should." I say, then I remember the hot chocolate I was going to ask for, "Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask. Do you want hot chocolate?" 

My father looks at me, "Is that why you walked into the living room?" He asks. I nod my head, then he says he'd love hot chocolate. 

Suddenly Will pops up in my doorway, him and my father look at each other. 

"So, is everything good?" He asks, putting two thumbs up, clearly nervous. The thought of messing with him crosses my mind. 

"No, it's not good." I say, fighting back a smile, because of the shocked horror on Will's face. 

"Huh?" Will asks. 

“I said no. You think I’m okay with you doing my dad?” I question.

My fathers face went a bright red, "Eclipse. He's not 'doing me'." 

"Not yet." Will whispers under his breath. 

My father whips his head around to look at Will, "What did you just say?" 

"Nothing." Will says feigning innocence. 

I look between them, then start to laugh, "I'm kidding, I'm good with your ‘thing’." They both sigh in relief as my father got up and ushered Will out of the room. I'm sure he's about to lecture him about what he whispered. 

It's a few days later, and we're all sitting in the living room, playing poker. It was Wills' idea, my father and I never played before, and it's pretty fun. I've been winning, which is frustrating Will. 

"Hey Eclipse, I have a question." Will says, still looking at his cards. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"Why is your nose a little crooked? Did you break it?" He asks, looking up at me. 

I look at him with a straight face, "He punched me in the face, and broke it." I say, pointing at my father. 

Will looks at me shocked, he opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. Which causes me to laugh. 

"That is not the whole story." My father speaks up. 

"No, it was an accident. He was teaching me how to dodge, and when he punched I didn't dodge in time and he hit my nose." I explain, after laughing. 

Will looks at my father, "Wow, I can't believe you punched her." He says, jokingly. My father just looks at him, not saying anything. 

"You know it's been really quiet. What do you think the Fanged Shadows are up to?" Will asks. 

"Gideon's probably still healing." I respond, looking at my cards. 

Suddenly a loud bang comes from outside, we look at each other, then rush outside to see what happened. 

We get half way down the path, then we see the Fanged Shadows standing where the fence gate door used to be. Gideon has a smug look on his face. I glance behind them, and see a few people standing on the road, they look frightened, but curious. 

"I’m finally going to get my sweet revenge, and be the end of your rein, and all these lovely townspeople,” Gideon spreads his arms out with a sick smirk, “will watch their king fall." He shouts.

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