𝟲 - 𝘃𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹

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I woke up in the middle of the night to someone softly sobbing. I immediately sat up and saw sam sat in the corner of the room, tears staining his cheeks. I stood up, ran over to him and helped him up before leading him to my room so we could have a little bit more privacy and talk about whatever it was that was bothering him. we sat on the bed and immediately engulfed him into the biggest hug, I didn't know what was actually wrong yet but he was my twin. I knew him like the back of my hand and I could tell that whatever had happened, it was bad.

"what happened sammy?" I asked him treading carefully though, not wanting to make matters worse. he shook his head. "I, I cant tell you. you'll be, t-too disappointed in m-me" sam spoke quietly and my heart shattered. I hugged him again and told him that whatever was wrong he could tell me in his own time. he layed on my chest, we put on the lion king, our favourite film as kids and I quickly texted Rudy before we fell asleep.

ruds 🫶🏼

hey ru, I found sam crying so we came into my room to watch a film, If we fall asleep you know where we are xx

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when I woke up the next morning, sam was sat next to me scrolling through his phone. when he realised I had woken up he gave me a hug before getting up and going over to the boys apartment so I could get ready. I just threw on some gym wear before going and grabbing some breakfast. I made me and the girls some eggs, there was some left over so I called down sam, he ate them in less than 5 minutes and we left for set. once we got to set, I took sam into my trailer, we put on some music and I began to read through my script. "soooo, you and Rudy?" he said, I knew this was coming. "what about us?" I asked, playing dumb. "soph. you know exactly what I'm talking about" he said, "okayyyy," I began, putting my script down, "we were talking one day and then we just kissed, and it was really awkward, so we went for a walk on the beach and then decided to start with a date, so we went on a date and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes obviously, but we're taking it slow so no one knows yet so YOU CANT TELL ANYONE" I said, I was talking so quickly but I was so excited and happy. sam just smiled at me he knew how happy I was.

after me and sam had spoken for a bit, Rudy came and knocked on my trailer door. he came in and gave me a kiss on the cheek before telling me that I was needed on set. me and the boys left my trailer and went to film another scene, it was the one where the pouges find the Grady-White. I was really excited and sam was on another boat with jonas and Elaine watching us film. he was so proud of me, it made me really happy. once we had filmed the scene a couple times and jonas was happy, we all went to a nearby park and played volleyball. we had a playlist going in the background and were on teams of four. me, rudy, maddie and sam on one team, drew, chase, maddy and Elaine on the other. Austin and jd went to get McDonald's. we chilled out, ate food and played volleyball for the rest of the night and it was one of the best nights of my life so far.


liked by @zendaya, @hichasestokes, @darrenbarnet and 69,234 others

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liked by @zendaya, @hichasestokes, @darrenbarnet and 69,234 others

@sophhhh - volleyball masters 🏐

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tagged - @rudeth

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@madelyncline - love you boo 🤍
love you more babes <3

@darrenbarnet - you found new volleyball partners 😭
dw darren, you'll always be 🔛🔝

@drewstarkey - we took you down soph 💪
umm you wish starkey 🖕

@user79 - she's so horrible, she just ditched her other casts

@user83 - she's so ugly

@user20 - how could anyone ever like her 🤮

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the next day, was the day before my birthday, I was so excited. I didn't know what anyone had planned but I wanted it to be the day me and Rudy told our friends about our relationship. I was also over the moon that sam was here. I had never spent a birthday without him before and I thought this was gonna be the first year and it made me sad. because it was a saturday, me and the girls had the day off and made plans to have a shopping day before going on a bike ride. I was so excited. I needed to get rudy and sam's birthday presents and maybe I'd treat myself? I didn't know, I was just gonna see how the day goes. I popped on a nice red dress with a floral pattern as it was quite hot. I paired it with some white trainers because we were going on a bike ride later in the day. I left my hair down and just did my normal light makeup before meeting maddie, maddy and elaine in the living room.

we all took my jeep and went to the mall first. me and sam both brought each other 8 presents a year so I grabbed him:

1 - a matching cap and beanie
2 - some Nike sweatpants
3 - a pair of sunglasses
4 - AirPods
5 - a wireless charging station
6 - a lynx body set
7 - a wireless speaker
8 - a photo frame of the two of us

some people may think this is a lot but I have gained a considerable amount of money since pursuing my dreams as an actor and me and sam have been through so so much together that I am so grateful for him and I want to show him that. after I had brought everything for sam, I went into another shop and picked up a present for Rudy. I couldn't wait to give it to him. after we had finished shopping we put our bags in the car and drove to a bike shop. we rented four bikes and went for a ride through the woods. the sun was setting, elaine had a speaker in her basket and we were singing along to our favourite songs it was amazing. after our bike ride we went and grabbed some food before going home and watching chick-flicks all night. the perfect end to a perfect day.

@sophhhh added to their story

@sophhhh added to their story

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word count - 1121

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