𝟳 - 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿

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today Sophie went out with the girls so me, sam and jd were doing some last minute birthday shopping. I know it's his birthday too but I've already bought his present besides, Sophie is my girlfriend now so i feel like it's important to get her present right because i know she has put time and effort into my present. mine and Sophie's birthdays are only 2 days apart, it was one of the things that made us so close growing up. I was really thinking about what to get her, i wanted it to be thoughtful and sentimental, i even downloaded Pinterest for some ideas. I decided to make a memory book. It wasn't too cringey and you couldn't have paid me any amount of money to put glitter on it but I really tried. I put in pictures of us as babies and pictures of us now. I put in the tickets from our first concert. I even put in the wristbands from our school dance. I really hoped she would like it.

After sam helped me make the memory book, i sent him to the movies with austin and chase so drew and jd could help me get the last things sorted for their surprise birthday party. It would be on their actual birthday in the evening on the roof terrace of the restaurant the cast met at. I also knew that Sophie wanted to make our relationship official tomorrow so I was really excited. Once I had finished getting ready it was about 8pm and i called Sophie-

"hey baker"

"hey ru, what's up?"

"nothing much, i was just wondering, what are you doing right now"

"watching rom-coms with the girls, why"

"can you change and meet outside the building in ten?"

"umm, yea sure, why?"

"I have a surprise for you birthday girl"

"okay, see you in ten"

"will do"

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after I got off of the phone to Rudy, i told the girls what was going on and went to my room to get changed. I had no idea what was going happening but i was so excited. I quickly put on a cream cropped jumper, some denim shorts and some white converse. I did my hair in Dutch braids and left my face - i was still wearing my makeup from earlier. I grabbed my phone and gave all of the girls a kiss on the cheek before going to find Rudy. The last thing I heard Madelyn shout was "USE PROTECTION". none of the girls knew about mine and rudys relationship yet but they were definitely suspicious.

sophies outfit :

i met rudy in the car park and he greeted me with a kiss

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i met rudy in the car park and he greeted me with a kiss. he went round to the passenger side and opened the door for me. once we were in the car, he gave me the aux and I put on my favourite playlist - one directions best hits. the first song that played was 'steal my girl' and we were singing along with the windows down and the wind blowing through our hair.


about 15 minutes later, we arrived in a random car park. I was so confused until I got out of the car and heard music from a distance. I turned around and saw a fair. I immediately screamed and jumped into rudys arms. the funfair was one of my favourite things to do when me and Rudy were kids. like, you could just forget about everything as soon as you stepped on to that ferris wheel or sat down on the bumper cars. it was like free therapy. we walked through the gates and I tightened my grip on rudys hand. as much as I liked funfairs, i hated crowds and he knew that. we made a beeline for the ferris wheel and queued up for it before anything else. i was so excited. we were the first people to get on so there was a little bit of a wait. but I didn't mind. i took a picture on Rudys phone from the top and we talked about memories from when we were kids. after a while Rudy stopped talking and i noticed him zoned out, staring at me. when I looked at him, he grabbed ahold of my hand and with his free hand he started fidgeting with his ring - something he does when he's nervous. then out of the blue he says, "i love you Sophie", i immediately smiled from ear to ear, "i love you too ru" i replied and kissed him so passionately. i was in love with Rudy Pankow. we got some candyfloss and drove home.

@rudeth added to their story

(ps - i know that's not his profile picture irl, i couldn't find it online)

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(ps - i know that's not his profile picture irl, i couldn't find it online)

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when me and Rudy got home, we went up to his apartment first to tell the boys we were dating, they were happy for us, but there reactions were nothing compared to the girls. the girls were so excited, that they literally screamed, Elaine knocked me over with the force that she used to hug me and the maddies jumped up and down on the sofa for at least five minutes. once they had calmed down me and Rudy sat in my room and went to watch a film when there was a knock on my bedroom door. i opened it to see sam, he had been crying again.

"sam, i need you to tell me why you're so upset lately. I'm worried about you." I said pulling him into a hug. "okay" he began, "so do you remember sydnee?" he asked me, sydnee was his ex-girlfriend. they dated for two years and the day after they had sex for the first time, he broke up with her. "oh, your bitch of an ex, yea i remember" i said angrily, "yea well. a few months ago, she- I'm a dad soph" he blurted out, i was really confused. i was an aunt? "wait sam what do you mean" i asked, "well 4 months ago she dropped off an newborn on our front door with a note that said 'use protection next time. this is your daughter, Imogen. she is 3 weeks old. I can't do this sam. look after her well, i know you will. - syd' i was just as shocked as you are, but I've learned to love Imogen and I want you to be in her life. I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner" he said, tears streaming down his face. I didn't know what to say, but I knew I needed to support my brother. "I'm proud of you." I said and gave him a hug, "now can i see a picture of my niece?" i asked chuckling lightly. the rest of the night was spent looking at pictures of Imogen before sam left back to the boys apartment and I fell asleep in the arms of my boyfriend, dreaming about my birthday

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word count - 1189

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