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Neera's eyes closed and her chest rose as she breathed deeply, trying her hardest to focus her power on the heroes nearing her. She opened her eyes, watching intently as the heroes slowly crowded on the rooftop around her. The moon illuminated their serious masked faces and flashy suits, giving Neera the opportunity to figure out what powers they might possess. She kept her eyes halfway closed and studied them. Most of the suits were at least seventy-five percent black. One hero stuck out in her blue suit. It had no black on it. Neera was wary of the color of her suit.

How did I end up here?

One of the heroes had surprised her with a lucky hit almost a minute ago. She had felt the impact and acted on it, diving to the ground. She had a better fighting chance against the six when they were caught off guard.

And if one of them had the ability to purify water, it would al go down hill.

It wasn't a common power, but he had created a seed of fear that had grown into its own being.

Neera let her deep breath out slowly, trying to settle the pace of the rise and fall of her chest. Electricity flickered in her hands, jumping back and forth. It whirred around, anxious to escape.

She had to get out of the situation. She was confident in her ability to get out, yes, but had to be careful. One variable could knock her out of the game she had been playing with the heroes for years.

The heroes surrounding her spoke to each other in hushed tones.

"Black Sapphire..."

"She's not as powerful as they said."

"—our greatest threat? She's pitiful."

"—trap. We should call backup."

One of the heroes shifted closer to get a better look.

Get a good look, because I'll be gone in less than an hour.

The heroes grew silent.

One spoke up quietly. "Be careful. She's killed more heroes and government officials than any of our past threats combined, give or take a few."

The hero close to her scoffed. "Those have to be stories. She isn't as powerful as they said. I bet there are a bunch of supervillains that dress like her to create a sense of one powerful supervillain, when in reality, it's nothing but some girls in masks with laser tech."

The heroes started talking again. The hero near her stood, shifting back. "Or maybe it's all true and it's a trap."

The heroes grew silent again. Neera wasn't sure she heard one breath.

She held her breath, as well. It was funny. Kind of. More ironic.

Neera changed her plan. They feared her. She had to confirm their fears of her before they started believing that she was multiple people.

Yes, she was a powerful supervillain.

Yes, she worked alone.

Yes, she had lost her kill count because it had gotten so high.

And, yes, she could potentially take over a state. With help, she could conquer the country. That's what scared them more than her powers.

But she wouldn't. If she took over, she wouldn't be in charge. He would be behind it all.

The darkness pulled back into her head, forcing the reckless side out of her.

She sat up, then pulled herself to her feet. The heroes noticed her and backed up, shouting in surprise and fear.

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