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Another meeting. 

Neera was sick and tired of meetings. She considered skipping it. She was ready to go back to how things were. Fewer meetings and more fighting—even if that meant facing Koen and not coming back alive. At least then no one else would have to sit through the boring meetings. She'd be a double savior.

Neera got dressed lazily in a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. She messaged Vincent to meet her at the meeting. 

Then she trudged down the hallway and to the main room. Vincent was already sitting in a seat, talking to Sydney. Neera sat down in the seat beside him. 

Verena was already standing up. She moved the screen around to face her, positioning it so she could see it and everyone else at once. 

"Alright. I know we have had a lot of meetings and the information discussed is making people antsy since we can't leave yet, so I'll try to make things quick. 

"Koen is gaining followers from other countries. I'm not sure if he's recruiting from other countries or if they've heard about him and want to join, but the problem is worse than we thought. I had considered moving us to a base in Italy where my cousin is so we could regroup and fight with more preparation, but now... it wouldn't be smart."

Someone in the back called out. Neera didn't look back to see who it was. "How do you know? Could it just be that Koen wants us to think that?" 

There was too much hope in the tone of the voice.

Verena sighed. "No. It was discussed in one of the council meetings. One of the large base leaders is friends and allies with a leader of a base in another country. The council for the East-Europeans has already discussed it and found evidence. 

"We've attempted to start negotiations with the other countries, but I'm not sure how it will go since the Americans can't even negotiate among ourselves. The White-Waters are spreading. If we don't unite, we will die. So far, about half of the East-Europeans have considered joining with us as allies, but the majority of the rest don't trust us and want nothing to do with us because of that. The minority of the second half are sympathetic with Koen or White-Waters. The only country with no known White-Water members that is willing to be allies is the UK. That would be the best official location for an international base."

Verena looked at the group of heroes and sighed. "I think I see some people already asleep. Okay. I have one more piece of information that pertains to everyone at this base, so if there is anyone next to you that is asleep, wake them up."

When Verena was satisfied that everyone was awake and listening she nodded and continued. "Okay. Final piece of info here. The UK is sending a small party of their heroes to America to socialize and learn about each other. It'll help us fight better when we fight more as one, not as two different groups. In turn, the council has decided to send a group of two people—partners—to England. It'll be a trade. Two from some of our bases to theirs, and one or two of their people will come to each base here. Our base may or may not send anyone. If you and your partner are willing to go, come talk to me. We have a lot more bases than they do, so we may or may not get any new heroes."

Vincent piped up. "Oh, we already have one. Tell them not to worry about us."

Verena furrowed her brows. She looked tired and confused. Neera wondered if Verena thought she had lost her mind. Neera kind of thought Vincent had lost his mind. 

"Who, Vincent?" Verena reluctantly asked.

Then it hit Neera.

"David Axford," Vincent replied, grinning. 

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