Chapter Twenty Four- Violent Battling

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"Hi Violet," Aya said through the phone. "I know it hasn't been all that long, but I was wondering if you'd like to have another battle?"

Violet grinned while Evan was looking at her nervously. The girl gave him a thumbs up, and the boy relaxed a bit. "Absolutely! I just finished taking on Ryme a little while ago, where do you want to meet up?"

"How about we meet at Montenevera? I know a good spot to battle nearby." Aya offered.

Violet nodded. "That sounds like a perfect plan! I'll see you soon!" Violet hung up the call and then started to order a taxi to come to pick them up. "Aya wants to have a rematch, we're going to meet up at Monetenevera."

"Oh, sounds good!" Evan replied. "Pretty interesting she wants another battle so soon, especially after how the last one went."

Violet waved it away. "She's probably just jazzed because she knows she's in for a real challenge now!"

Evan chuckled a bit. "Judging by your dynamic, that would make total sense."

Violet raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's how you both have this whole rivalry facade going on," Evan explained. "When really, it's just an excuse to spend time around each other."

Violet's face immediately flushed red. "H-hang on, what are you trying to say?" She demanded.

Evan laughed further. "You and Aya are into each other."

Violet raised her voice in protest, well Evan burst out into laughter.

A few minutes later, the two were flying off towards Montenevera on the flying taxi. Violet sighed and fiddled with her hands. "Please don't say anything to her."

Evan immediately erupted into more laughter, before saying. "Of course I won't! I would never! I just didn't want to pretend it wasn't obvious anymore."

"Do you think she's interested in me?" Violet immediately asked.

Evan shrugged. "I'm not certain, but it really seems like it." Violet felt a wave of excitement rush through her body. "At the very least, she definitely seems to think you're pretty important if she's decided to make you her rival."

It was incredibly exciting to the girl that she was going to be seeing Aya soon, and that she could be honest with her friend about her feelings.

They arrived at Montenevera, and Violet eagerly waited for her opponent to show up. Another flying taxi touched down a little while later, and Aya stepped out. The girl threw on a heavy coat and waved at Violet and Evan. "Good to see you both again, follow me." Aya immediately started walking off.

Violet hurried over to the girl's side. "How's your Gym Challenge been going?"

Aya looked forward instead of at the girl. "Fine, I've only got one badge left before I'm ready to take on the league."

"Awesome! You're in the home stretch!" Violet encouraged, waiting for Aya to ask about Violet's challenge.

That question never came, and instead, an awkward silence fell over the group as they marched through the snow until they reached a large alcove near the mountain. Aya walked forward a bit and then turned around. "Alright, three on three sound good?"

Violet hesitated for a moment, before nodding. "Y-yeah! Sure!" Aya immediately sent out a blue jackal Pokémon with a spike coming from its chest and both of its paws. The choice was a bit surprising to Violet, but she decided to not let it distract her and sent out Palafin.

Palafin landed in the snow and faced down his foe. "Let's go, use Jet Punch!" Palafin's fin was suddenly surrounded by water, and the dolphin lunged forward at his foe. The Pokémon sped through the air and slammed his fist into Lucario's stomach, blowing the Pokémon back a bit.

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