waking from her slumber

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Cassie was really starting to hate the hospital. She finally understood why Ray tried to avoid these places like the damn plague, they fucking sucked. According to the calendar on the wall she had been in a coma for about a two and a half weeks. Cassie couldn't help but wonder if the war between the heroes and villains was over and what side had come out on top.

Presumably it was over because otherwise she probably wouldn't be in a hospital bed right now if it wasn't and if it was over, then the heroes must have won because once again she logically would not be in the hospital if they had lost the battle.

She took the time to look around the room some more, taking in everything she could. The room was filled with flowers of all shapes and sizes. Maybe they were put there in the hopes that they would make the pinkette wake up faster. If that were the case, it didn't work but the sentiment was nice at least.

A small pile of notes sat on the standard hospital night stand next to her bed and with much effort she was able to grab a few using the leaves of a nearby rose to carry them over to her lap. After wrestling with the pillow behind her head a bit Cassie was successfully able to prop her body up into a somewhat sitting position, although she hissed at the jolt of pain that shot through her body from her side.

The first note to catch her eye was one written by her teacher, Aizawa's handwriting was memorable to say the very least. After scanning the paper she learned that the war was over and that for the most part things had begun to settle down. Classes had been canceled for the next few weeks to allow for students to rest after all the fighting they had done.

She also learned that the woman who had tried to kill her was apprehended and locked away from the public. And last but not least she was given a list of the lives lost in the struggle. Amongst the names Cassie was able to identify a handful that she knew.

Midnight, whom Cassie wasn't the fondest of when it came to how she interacted with her students but overall she was a great hero and someone Cassie looked up to and took inspiration from.

Native, the hero she had saved from back when her classmates were fighting Stain. She had thought he would make it through the war and maybe change his hero branding to something less controversial but now he would never get the chance to do so.

Crust, while not being a hero Cassie paid much attention to, she knew he was a good man and didn't deserve the fate he was given, he must have been in so much agonizing pain during his final few moments alive.

X-less was again not a hero of much notability to the pinkette but he was good at his job and had proven several times to be a hero of great morality, something that the hero system in general needed far more of.

A few others were on the list that caught Cassie's attention but they were villains so she probably wasn't supposed to be sad for them. But then again here she was scanning over all the villains whom had died for a cause they believed in. Under different circumstances and in a different life, maybe she would have been a villain too if her memories of her mothers murder hadn't been erased.

Shigaraki, he was arguably the most dangerous villain besides All For One, but he was a villain due to circumstance, unlike AFO whom was a villain by choice. Maybe if his past wasn't so bleak and nightmare inducing he could have become a hero. Cassie saw a part of her in that man. She could relate somewhat in small ways to his struggles of grappling with the role placed upon his shoulders.

More than likely the answer was yes, she would have joined the League of Villains, but luckily enough she was given a second chance, something that Shigaraki never got. He had been manipulated from childhood and not even Izuku could save him apparently.

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