Extra 4- How Todoroki proposed

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Cassie hummed softly to herself as she walked next to Todoroki, a few months had gone by since their graduation and things had been a little hectic as they both had to get used to their respective hero agencies and being in the public quite often.

Todoroki had decided to take the pinkette out for the day with the express purpose of proposing to her some time very soon. His left hand closed around the small black velvet ring box nestled in his coat jacket, as if he were insuring the ring hadn't run off or something like that. The dual haired boy glanced over at Cassie who was admiring the Cherry blossom tree grove they had just entered.

He cleared his throat, gently squeezing Cassie's right hand which his fingers were intertwined with, successfully gaining her undivided attention. " Cassie, I want to ask you something very important.'' He began to speak voice low and measured as to not reveal how nervous the man was feeling inside.

" Oh my god are you breaking up with me?" Cassie gasped in horror as she clapped a hand over her mouth already tearing up at the thought. " What, no of course not." Todorki was totally thrown off his game, why would she ever think he would want to break up with her. To quell her tears Todoroki bent his head down brushing his slightly chapped but still soft lips against her forehead. " I would never break up with you Cassie."

" Oh okay, that's a relief um sorry for interrupting you what were you saying?" Cassie tilted her head quizzically, quietly beckoning for Todoroki to continue speaking. The dual haired man took a subtle deep breath and got down on one knee preparing to pull out the engagement ring he'd gotten her, however when he looked up again in order to make eye contact with Cassie, he was quick to note she had vanished from sight.

Todoroki raised an eyebrow in confusion, scanning the nearby area in mild distress. Where had she gone? His silent question was soon answered by his girlfriend sprinting past his kneeling body at full speed, screaming at the top of her lungs while a pretty white butterfly lazily flew after her. " No, nope, absolutely not, I watched the finale of Miraculous Ladybug last fucking night. My emotions are so in control right now leave me alone Hawkmoth, go back to bullying your kid!" She shouted in obvious panic.

The man blinked twice trying to process what was happening for a few seconds before a small smile broke out on his face, of course Cassie would be running away from a butterfly, she had always told him that she found the insect creepy. He stayed on one knee for an awkward moment before getting to his feet and brushing off his pants with a sigh, this was okay there was still plenty of time in the day for him to propose he would just have to do it later on.

After finally getting the pinkette to calm down they proceeded to their next destination which was a picnic set up by their friends who were in on the plan, ideally he would have already asked her by now but this was still a good atmosphere to ask his girlfriend to marry him.

Cassie was happily eating a sandwich minding her own business, too engrossed in her food to notice when the man across from her, once again got down on one knee this time successfully pulling out the ring from his jacket pocket in one swift motion.

He parted his lips prepared to begin his speech before opening the ring box but no sooner had he grasped the box and concealed it expertly in his hand, that several fans of the heroes came over asking for pictures and autographs.

Cassie being none the wiser was quick to happily agree, gently tugging at Todoroki's arm, who for one wasn't as pleased by the fan's crowding them. She looked up at him excitedly as she tried to get him to join her in taking a few photos as she wasn't exactly strong enough to drag him over against his will on her own. The man sighed quietly enough that she couldn't hear before getting to his feet and wrapping his arms around Cassie's waist as the two posed for a few pictures.

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