"You know what? Fu-"

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After panicking silently inside about what this random guy was saying was true, my boss, James Greene came in laughing with Jamie about golf.

Of all things they laugh and joke about, they choose golf?


I take a seat in my chair after letting them inside my office to discuss what that weirdo was originally talking about.

"Good morning Allie!"

Allie, I hate when he calls me that. There's a million variations of Alexandria but for some reason he calls me Allie.

Maybe I should be flattered that he gave me a nickname considering how he always addresses people by their surnames but something about that name irritates ne

I shake off my thoughts and greet him back with a smile and a gesture for him to sit down with his pet.

"This is Jaime Delgado, he has just transferred from multimedia inc. and he has chosen to work along side you in your department. Isn't that wonderful!"

I gave him a big smile and nodded my head agreeing to his statement but I was screaming inside. It took me years to get to become the head of this freaking department, I work my butt off every single day and this guy just waltzes in like no big deal? With his big white smile and his perfectly cut and styled hair, God I can't stand him and he had the nerve to touch my pictures of my grandma too?

I shouldn't have been as angry as I was but i was livid.

After thirty minutes of talking and talking he walks out with Jamie and shows him around the building, when I got hired I was lost for days, no one showed me around or gave me smiles like Jaime received.

It took me years to be accepted and loved like Jaime was being loved, I was honestly green with envy.

After throwing myself a pity party I sat there trying to write an email until the idiot came walking inside my office, like it was his.

"Hi sunshine."

He smiled at me and took a seat explaining how I was supposed to be training him.

"You've worked in an office before, you'll be fine."

"See, that right there proves I should have your job princess."

"First of all calling me "princess" is completely unprofessional in the workplace, second of all knock on my door before you come in."

I was being completely unprofessional and letting my anger get to the best of me but no one threatens my job and everything I've worked for.

"Alright, I'm sorry sunshine. I won't call you princess again."

He laughs and looks at me for a couple of seconds to irk me.

"Get out of my office right now."

I handed him a file of a story he needed to read and study before he left and as he was leaving my office he tipped my picture of my boyfriend and I down, and smiled as he strolled out of my office.

I wanted to take the scissors from my desk drawer and cut his stupid fingers that touched my pictures.

After a couple of minutes imagining the idea of me chopping his fingers off with my very sharp blue scissors I realized I had a deadline for my story about the strike going on in France.

As I was writing the article, a loud knock caught my attention.

And there he was, standing outside my door, once he saw me look up from typing he opened the door without an invite and walked in, with what I presume was the file I gave him in hand.

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