He loves me!

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Eric was different from anyone Y/N had ever dated before. He was kind and caring, always putting her needs first. He listened to her and understood her in a way that no one else had. Y/N felt like she had finally found someone who truly appreciated her for who she was.

As they got to know each other better, Y/N realized that Eric was everything she wanted in a partner. He was smart, ambitious, and had a great sense of humor. He was also supportive of her dreams and encouraged her to pursue her passions.

It wasn't long before Y/N and Eric became a couple. They were happy together, and Y/N felt like she had finally found the love she had been searching for. They went on adventures and created memories that would last a lifetime.

Y/N knew that Eric was the one for her. She loved him with all her heart, and he loved her just as much. They were a perfect match, and Y/N knew that they would be together forever.

In the end, Y/N realized that sometimes love can come when you least expect it. She was grateful for the day she met Eric and for the love they shared. They were each other's soulmates, and nothing could ever change that.

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