Mark and Ivy

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"Your majesty, we should-"

Lordance walked the halls of his palace, warped pillars covered the halls.
"YOUR MAJESTY!" Someone yelled, Lordance turned along with his advisers. "Yes Olivia?" Lordance softly spoke as the young spy sprinted in front of him.
"The villages of West has been attacked! The last one demands reinforcements!" Olivia shouted "Your brother is there!" She finished. Lordance's blood boiled. "Win, send reinforcements now!" "Yes sir!" Win ran off to the camps of the army. Lordance ran to their chambers and grabbed their Armour.
"Lordance! You shouldn't go, we have no heir to throne after you." Yorko said, giving Lordance his sword.
"I must." Lordance turned and ran to the army camp.

Blazing fire grazed the crimson houses. "Charge!" Lordance announced and his men charged at their piglin attackers. Piglins noticed the Zombie-piglin king was here and many charge at the ancient king. Lordance swung his sword at the piglins. 5 of his own warriors came to his aid. Lordance sliced more piglins and many retreated.
"AH-" Lordance screeched in acing pain. A hoglin rammed his back, Lordance limply turned to the 2 colored eye hoglin and clawed at the large beast.

"Hello Lordance.." An old raspy voice spoken and Lordance eyes narrowed. "Hello to you to. Maxwell." Lordance growled and Maxwell laughed. Maxwell swung his sword at Lordance. His own sword clashed with Maxwell. "You don't see very happy to see me" Maxwell laughed, kicking Lordance back. Lordance grunted as he charged at Maxwell with dagger, Maxwell charged at him as well. Swinging his sword at Lordance. Lordance grabbed it and swung the dagger at Maxwell face. "AH- YOU BASTARD!"Maxwell screamed as he covered his bloody eye. Lordance panted as he stared down his oldest enemy. "Back off Maxwell. I've given you an ultimatum. Accept it and we can end this war." Lordance snarled and Maxwell grunted in displeasure. "Once I kill you and your pathetic kingdom. You'll be the one begging" Maxwell threatened and retreated, along with his defeated army.

Lordance sighed. And stared at the piglins who had been killed. Disappointing really, throwing your own soldiers at the enemy.

Lordance walked off as he heard crying. "Dad! Dad wake up please!" A male screamed. "Mark! Mom is breathing!"
Lordance ran over and saw 2 kids and 2 parents. Lordance stared at the bodies and recognized one instantly. His brother. His brother was dead. A tear fell and Lordance dropped to his knees to speak to the kids. "Hello young ones, what's your names?" The kids turned to Lordance then back at their parents. "Why won't our mommy and daddy wake up?" The girl asked. Lordance eyes soften, so young. They don't deserve to know what death is. "Their gone but I'll take care of you both" lordance smiled softly.
"You will?" The boy asked and Lordance nodded and lead the two back to the castle.

They said their names were Mark and Ivy.

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