Portal of otherside

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Breathe. Breathe!

I was running from them. They wanted my head. I hear them. I ran through the rocky paths as the piglins were gaining speed on me. A ledge came into view and I jumped up and climbed over. "That should by sometime " I thought. Reality, I can't think. The group of piglins grunted in anger and starting climbing. A claw showed. I started running again, though soon I would have no where to go. Everything was blurry. Air was hard to gather. I kept on sprinting away and climbed another ledge, I kicked down the rocks to them slow down.
Screams of pain came along. The rocks fell on some of them.

I couldn't stop running now. I couldn't care right now if I killed someone. Scream of the hunting piglins as they fell off the terrain and into the lava or the land below.

A light. A big one.
A flash came into the veiw and a structure appeared. They'll be here soon. I jumped through and didn't turn back.

Screaming. Silence

A tingly feeling came over me. I opened my eye and saw a group of human like pigs in front of me. I didn't think. "CLOSE THE WHATEVER THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE" I yelled at them, they murmured "You'll die along with me if you don't close this bloody thing." I spoke again. "Why? What's on the other side?" One asked, "Something that wants me dead for my parentage, please close this thing and I'll tell you everything. I promise." I said. They all stared at the wide thing and at him. "We will close the portal, but what's going on the other side?" A more muscular person spoke, they nodded and I look behind me and saw the portal shatter.

They seemed mad.

"Come with us and explain everything on the other side.", I nodded and started following them to wherever they were going to. I couldn't stop thinking, what's gonna happen to me? I'm scared-

The air tasted different, not like the fire I was used to back home. I held my throw up in. Houses came into view and I stopped walking. Waves of fear consumed me, then memories came crashing back. "Remember it's okay to be afraid, but never let fear rule you. It makes you weak and vulnerable to the enemy." My general taught us. We were in a war for peace of my home. I was a soldier, not a whimper.

Yet, what could I do now?
I wasn't home.

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