The Meeting

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It's been five days and the shallow wound my mom cut is healing up nicely. I'm hoping that there will be no mark, but she seems to know how to do it so that it always scars. I guess I should be happy that at least it is not a gaping wound that it would leave a jagged scar. Instead, they're just silvery thin lines that you would only notice if you look closely. Of course, I always look closely.

I'm taking a walk through the woods that are in my back yard, and soaking up the peace I am feeling. I love the outside. It is the only place where the disorder makes sense. How can you feel the need to perfect something that is already perfect?

Just as I was deciding that it was time to go home, something heavy slammed into me, knocking the wind into me and causing me to fall on my butt. My head was reeling as I looked up to see my vision blocked by a sea of orange. My confusion lasted only a minute until beautiful, flawlessly shaped eyes came into my view. Now my breath was taken away by the sight of the handsomest face I have ever seen.

"I'm so sorry," Handsome said, jumping off me and pulling me up in the process. I'm so distracted by his face that I barley understand the words he said. "I should have been watching where I was going," he tried again after a couple of seconds of silence.

That finally snaps me out of my daze, and I quickly say, "Oh, no! That was my fault! I wasn't watching my surrondings. Sorry." My voice started out strong, but by the time I finished it was at a near whisper. Here I was in the middle of the woods with a strange (although very beautiful) stranger and I could feel myself tense up. My mom had always stated how men were evil and although I didn't put to much stalk into what she said, it was hard not to be nervous of a new person.

"Let's just say we were both at fault," Handsome asks with a smile. "Where were you heading?"

I hesitate, wondering if he was asking because he wanted to know if anyone would expect me to go missing, but the look in his said that he was just curious, nothing else. "Ummm," I mummble, "I was just wondering around. I just moved in a few weeks ago and wanted to get the lay of the land." That sounded better then 'I was about to have a break down and practically ran into the woods so that the monster in me would be quiet." Yep, lets not sound completely crazy the first time you meet someone nice.

"Ah!" He exclaims. "That house that is in the middle of the white and horrendoulsly pink houses?" I nod, thinking about the neon pink house that was out neighbor. I loved pink, but even I wouldn't paint my house that color.

"My friend Kota lives across the street from you, and I live almost adjacent to your back yard. We were wondering who had moved in." Not knowing how to respond, I just nod my head.

"Oh shoot! I forgot to introduce myself. You must think I'm a weirdo. My name's Nathan." Having already given him a name in my head, I didn't realize that he hadn't introduced himself. I nod again, and with a slightly amused look, he asks, "And what's your name?"

I blush at my social inadequacy. I didn't have many friends because my mom forbade it and also because people didn't like my quirks. I once had to sit next to someone who ate all during class, and I couldn't help but clean up the crumbs. They told the class and I was pretty much ostracized for all of elementary school as the clean freak. I hadn't meant to, I just like when my area is clean, and he was sharing my area.

"My name is Sang," I say quickly, to make up for the awkward silence.

"Sang," Nathan says as if in confirmation. At my nod, he says, "That's cool. I've never heard that before. So Sang, want me to walk you back?"

Considering I had just been about to turn back, I didn't see a good enough reason to say no. Since nods had been going good for me, I give one as I turn around and start walking.

When I don't hear anything beside me, I turn to look at Nathan. His eyes fly to mine as if he was looking lower, and his face turned a shade of red. I gave him a confused glance, but he just gives a little awkward smile before coming to my side.

We start talking about nothing in general, and I learn that he is going to the same school I am, Ashley Waters. The class sign up is tomorrow, and I told him I don't know all of the options yet and am still deciding.

It's about this point in the conversation he says, "Me and some friends are having a kind of pool party in my backyard today to try and figure out our classes for the year. Do you want to come over now and stay for the party? There are only a few of us, so it's not like a rager, just a little relaxation before summer ends. Everyone is just going to pop in when they can."

I don't really think I should go since there are many things that can go wrong. What if his house is really messy? But it is outside so there shouldn't be any problems. What if his friends are mean? Well Nathan doesn't seem like the kind of guy to have mean friends, so I should be pretty good. What if I have a melt down, and they tell everyone at school? Well, it's not like I have any friends to loose. Might as well try to be normal. The puppy dog look Nathan is giving me seals the deal.

"Sure," I say, a little hesitantly. I almost have to shield my eyes from how bright Nathan's smile is. "Oh," I say startled as I remember, "I don't have a bathing suit. I had to get rid of all mine in the move." My parents had only allowed me four boxes and I had used them mainly for books, not clothes.

Nathan squints in thought for a second then smiles, "You can just use some of my old clothes. I don't care if they get ruined. Does that work?"

I don't see a problem with it, so I smile and nod as we take a different turn and start walking to his house.

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