Fall of Roots (Fall 1)

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Madoka remained quiet as a maid could be in the carriage. That was the easy part. She realized the difficult part was trying to remain calm when she was sitting in the same carriage with not one but two Royals. They have rode for hours now and Prince Fiara never took his eyes off of Madoka. She kept to herself.

"It's been awhile, Brother," Elise said with a hint of disdain in her tone. Madoka elbowed her and gave her a stern look. Prince Fiara laughed. "Why have you not visited me! I've missed you!"

"I see the two of you are close," Prince Fiara laughed, finally looking at Elise. The sudden change in the princess's demeanor worried Madoka, but Madoka considered herself adept at understanding the mood in most social situations. She achieved this by just staying quiet. Elise, on the other hand, pouted.

"Pay attention to me more!"

"I apologize, dear sister!" Fiara clasped his hands together and pleaded. "It's just that Father has been keeping me away. I've been trying to change his mind, you know. That's why I am here, after all."

Madoka heard his words and could not help but wonder if he was lying. Perhaps the both of them were locked in a duel of wills and were just acting the part. The prince sat back.

"You've grown a lot," he said. Elise scoffed.

"Do you think Father will be fair to me, this time around?" She asked.

"The air around the Northern Estate has helped you a lot," he said. "You look beautiful."

"Hellooo? What about Father?" The princess waved her hands in front of his face.

"Perhaps if you were not so annoying," he chuckles. Elise hit his knee. "Is that all you can reach? Shorty!"

"Naee waah! Brother, that's no fair!"

For a moment, Madoka pictured them together again. The perfect siblings from a long time ago before they were 13. Madoka eventually tuned their back-and-forth bickering out. The air was colder now; turning the day to night as the sun's orange glow gave way to a velvety indigo cloak. Madoka's vision started to grow darker.

Was she getting tired? Madoka thought this was impossible. She blinked, hoping neither of the Royals were paying attention to her. Her vision did not improve. Whispers started to creep inside her ears.

Red string.
Come closer.

Madoka gasped, instinctively reaching for her ax. Her hands instead landed on the cushioned seat of the carriage. The whispers were unlike any other animal thought she's heard so far. They were oppressive and invasive, like her mind was succumbing under its weight.

"Madoka?" Elise asked. The whispers receded and her vision immediately went back to normal. Even her brother seemed concerned. Madoka shook her head and bowed.

"Forgive me," Madoka cleared her throat and apologized in reverent Noble. Remaining silent for this long seemed no longer feasible in this carriage ride. Elise gave her a worried look but continued to speak with her brother. Madoka was left to worry about the whispers returning.

Madoka wondered if they simply rode by whatever predator that gave those awful thoughts. She prayed to the kind gods that she could make it through the ride at least.

Once they arrived through the Palace Gates, Madoka got a small glimpse of the city. People of all ages were outside cheering for their arrival. People who knew freedom, Madoka could not help but wonder what that was like. When she passed through these gates the first time as a child, she had no idea who she was. Madoka figured after being broken and molded by the whims of this place she would never long for freedom yet to her surprise she felt restricted as the carriage stopped.

The sight of the Palace towering above her looked more beautiful than she remembered it as a child. That memory was suspended in her mind ever since she was seven. This time would also etch itself in her memory as well. Madoka stretched her legs and helped her yawning princess out, though she never took her eyes off the grand throne room. It was a place of power and Madoka decided she must pay it respect.

Several Palace soldiers approached her and bowed to the Prince and Elise. Madoka bowed back to them all as she should, remembering her training as a maid. She has not lost touch after all. A few nobles were gathered at the hallway where they first entered with some gesturing at Elise. Madoka instinctively started to press forward and guard her but Elise stopped her and smiled.

Madoka knew what that smile meant: They were going to be apart for the first time in many months.

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