First meet

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Bad grammer probably

*Shinobu's POV*

We Were called for a meeting that Master Kagaya told us to attend, ofcurse we didn't know What It was about, while walking I was trying to talk to Tomioka-San but like as always he ignored me.

"Well well Tomioka-San, don't you know that its rude to ignore someone When they are talking to you?" I said while being annoyed for him not talking back to me, "You know maybe this is why you don't Have a lot of friends and nobody likes you". " Nobody dislikes me, Kocho. " I heard Tomioka-San say while having his emotionless face and eyes as always.

We reached to the hashira meeting but there was still someone missing, oh right it was Iguro-san. After he came Master Kagaya started to speak, "Hello My Children, I called you here to tell you there will Be a new hashira joining" A new hashira? This would be interesting.

If Im honest, I notice that some hashiras are pretty excited to meet the New hashira like Mitsuri, Rengoku, Tengen, and even Tomioka-San, I can tell his eyes looked a bit surprise and his eyebrows raised up.

"Here is the New Spring Hashira, Y/n L/n" said Master Kagaya. It was a girl, if im honest I felt something pound in my chest When I saw her coming in, I must admit she looks beautiful and Im happy we get to have another girl hashira.

*Y/n's POV*

I bowed down to the rest of the hashira since they had been here before me, I had to show respect.  While looking at them I already started to admire how nice they look.

There was a girl that had pink hair and at the End it had green, im surprise anyone could have that hair color not mention she also has an open area in her chest like mine. The reason why she caught my attention is because I noticed that When She started to look at me she started to blush so it caught my attention from how pink her face was.

I also noticed another girl standing next to a guy with black hair and ocean blue eyes. She had a butterfly hairclip and streaks at the End of her hair colored purple, She was staring at me with her purple eyes but all I know It made my cheeks go a light pink.


*Y/n's POV*

Master Kagaya told me to go to the butterfly mansión to ask if I could stay until I get a chamber so I  went to ask for One until I got there I knocked the door to see a young lady with two pigtails and two butterfly hairclips on both of them

"Hello there young Lady" I said. "Hello, how can I help you? " she said, "Well you see, im the New spring hashira and Master kagaya told me to ask you if I could stay in the butterfly mansión until I get my Own chamber", " Oh Well, sure but I must also ask permission,my Name is Aoi Kanzaki you must be Y/n L/n. Follow me, Ill lead you to lady Shinobu".

Shinobu.., could that be the name of one of the girls from the hashira meeting? We walked to the office, "Ms.Shinobu, do We Have an extra room? " asked Aoi

*Shinobu's POV*

Aoi came in and asked if We Have an extra room, "Yea, why do you ask? " I replied, Aoi stepped aside to show me why she was asking and she showed me the Spring hashira!

"Oh I see what you mean, Aoi, dear, May you please leave first I need to talk to the spring hashira about something. " I said but I still felt pounding on my heart and even a bit of light pink blush,

Aoi left the room... Now its only me and her alone...

Shinobu Kocho x Fem! Reader (Still Working On!) Where stories live. Discover now