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now play: Afterglow by Taylor Swift

Tara hits Ambers arm making the bullet shoot else where. I rush into a room, Tara following me, and we lose Amber.

"Slit her throat." My dad appears in the mirror. My eyes begin watering. "She tried killing you—and your friends! Don't be a fucking pussy! Slit her fucking throat!" He becomes angry. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Y/n—Im scared." Tara mutters to me crying. I walk over to her, putting her against my chest.

"Its okay." I swallow the lump in my throat, trying not to cry. "We'll—we're gonna be okay."

"What if she..." Tara begins to break down in my arms.

"Shes killing your friends while you're about to cry? You're a pussy. Go fucking kill her." I loved her—I love her. I pull out my phone calling the police, then Sidney.


"Y/n? Are you okay?"


"You're at Ambers party, I know. We tracked Sams car, and I saw Mindys instagram story."

"Sid..it's Amber." I breathe out. A bang at the door makes me and Tara flinch. I drop my phone, looking around the room for a weapon. I pick up a pair of scissors. Tara looks at me concerned, but I shrug. The door burst opening seeing a ghost-face standing at the door frame. "Fuck!" Ghost-face run towards me. They stab me multiple times. I scream in pain, while I drop to the floor. Ghost-face looks where Tara was, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Amber..?" Tears flow down my face when I say her name. They look at me before leaving. I lay there, in my own pool of blood. Barely breathing, I now only see blur, then it fades black.


"Wake the fuck up!" A shout makes me stir awake. "Hey, sleepy head. Get the fuck up, and kill that some of a bitch. You let her stab you? You're a Bridger and Prescott, you don't die." I start becoming aware of the situation, pain screaming in my body.

"She's my girlfriend." My eyes water.

"Was. Kill anyone, at all cost. Kill her, Y/n. Kill her!" I snap into reality. My hands grip onto the bed helping pull myself up. I walk out of the room, blood oozing out of me.

Making my way through her house, I hear everyone in the kitchen, so I peak my head out.

"Whoa—Whoa, sit the fuck down!" Richie points the gun at Sam. He leans down to Sidneys level. "Im so sorry, Sid. We can't let you live, either. I mean, surviving this many times? That would just be ridiculous. But this time the fans are gonna be the ones who win." He looks at all of us. "That about cover it?"

"Nailed it, baby." Amber smiles at Richie. What? I slip making a noise. Everyone looks my way seeing.

"Oh? You survived?" Richie laughs. Amber looks at me with eyes filling with water. "You kinda missed the monologue, Y/n."

"Y/n—!" Sidney shouts.

"Stay the fuck down!" Richie holds up the gun to her. "You wanna go ahead and kill her babe?" Amber nods.

"Take it to the living room. Im gonna say some stuff to these chuckle fucks." Richie tells her.

Amber grabs my arm dragging me to the living room.

"Amber—" She doesn't reply, instead just stares at me. "..why?"

"You don't understand. I don't fit in here—Im insane, Y/n! Im a killer!"

"Tell me that you're still mine, tell me that we'll be just fine, even when I lose my mind. I need to say.."

"..I love you—"

"No, you don't, Y/n."

"I do—I love you, Amber—please!" Both of us now crying.

"You slept with my best-friend. Do you love me?"

"Tell me that's its not my fault, tell me that Im all you want. Even when I break your heart. I need to say.."

"That was a horrible mistake! Amber, please—just tell me you're still mine—"

"Y/n, don't make this harder than it is has to be."

"No matter if you kill me or not—I love you, Amber. Im sorry." Her eyes softening, and her hand slowly falling. 

"Amber?!" Richie shouts from the kitchen. "Did you do it yet?!"

"I love you, forever." Amber says, then puts the knife into my chest. My screams echo throughout the house, while she pulls out the knife.

"Get the fuck away from here!" We hear a yell. Suddenly, Amber falls to the ground. Looking up I see Tara beating on Amber with her crutches.

"Tara—?" I choke on my own blood. Then, gunshots were heard from the kitchen.

"Y/n—! Sidney runs over to me. She helps me up.

"Wait. Tara!" I shout, Amber now overthrowing her, she smacks her into a wall. Gale tries to help Tara. Sidney sees a gun below the couch. I see what shes doing. "Sid—NO!" She shoots Amber multiple times. "No!" I leave Sids arms, crawling over to Ambers limp body. "Amber..?" She gives a light smile choking on her own blood.

"Im..Im sorry." She gets out, she puts her hand around my neck.

"No—no.." I shake my head. My tears fall onto her.

"I love you, forever." She nods at me.

"No—Amber, please..Im sorry." Ambers body goes limp.

"Y/n." Sidney puts her hand on my shoulder, then helps me up. "You know what we have to do." She whispers to me. I shake my head no, sobbing into Sidneys shoulder. She hands the gun to Gale, while she takes me outside the house. A single gunshot was heard from inside. My sobs become more and more louder.



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