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"A black coffee with soy milk for a Harper?" a worker calls. "That's me!" I shout out. A girl runs over to me "Here you go!" She says smiling at me. That's Evelyn a waiter at this cafe I like. Well, I only really like it cause it's a cat cafe. The coffee's pretty mid, There is one more cat cafe in town, with WAY better coffee but they don't have cute waiters so this one is a win for me.

 I have been going to this cafe for a while I tried it when I was new, in town and had never been to a cat cafe before. The way this one work is the cat kinda just roam around while you eat. When I first tried the cafe the coffee sucked but I kept coming back to see the cute waiter. I see her outside of the cafe sometimes but she always looks busy so I don't interrupt her. "Thanks for the coffee," I say smiling back. She chuckles "Heh you sure come here a lot" I smile "I like the coffee!... I come mostly for the cats though" The coffee sucks I like you know want her to like me. "Hah I wouldn't know, not much for coffee" she laughs, I smile sadly knowing the conversation is pretty much over, She walks away. I check the time realising I'm almost late for college.

                                                           **AFTER COLLEGE FINISHES FOR THE DAY**

*sigh*... *SIGH* My best friend Charli looks up at me, "Do you need something harp?" They ask sarcastically. "...I have to go to work in like an hour.." I sigh, and they look at me "That's nice hun" I look at them frowning "I get why your parents disowned you" I insist while struggling to get my work uniform on, "With an attitude like that I get why you don't have a girlfriend" they tell me while staring at their phone. After a while of struggling I manage to get outside, Where I work isn't that far from my dorm but I always take the long way to look at the cat cafe. Walking past the cat cafe I see a boy working "Evelyn mustn't be working" I mumble under my breath, What was the point of even coming this way she was working in the morning w-, "Help Wanted" I read. I write down the phone number on the page, Why did I write it down? the job I have has good pay and isn't far, I don't think I'm gonna quit my job for some girl I find cute. But "ill keep the number just in case" 

                                                                           **AT WORK**

I finally arrive at Juneville Local Mart (JLM), (that's where I work),...I'm still thinking about the help wanted sign. I think about it, working in the most boring supermarket in the world with average pay, Or working at a Cat Cafe with a cute girl, probably getting underpaid... "NONONO. I'm not quitting my job for some cats.." I said this knowing I didn't mean it, They weren't just some cats I knew them all off by heart.. and it's not the cats I would be quitting for... I can't believe I'm about to do this, I walk inside past the registers, past the bottle shop and into the mangers office.

                                                                 **MANAGERS OFFICE**

*Knock Knock* "Who is it?" She calls out, "I- uhm... it's Harper" I shakingly call back, "...come in harper" she instructed, I open the door slowly. Something that everyone that's worked with me has agreed on is how our manager is all business, she cares for nothing except for business, So I don't know how she's gonna take this-... "Diana I have deiced to put in my two weeks' notice, I have found another job I would like," I say trying to stay calm,  "Is that so?... harper" she glares "Y-yes," I say acting confident, "Have you got another job lined up?" she asks in a sarcastic tone, "well... kinda" I mumble just loud enough for her to hear, "Well that's good I was worried you had nothing planned, like someone quit their jobs without having a job planned up, and have nothing" she sarcastically laughs while staring at me. I know was supposed to make me feel worse but like-, "I know, I should get to work now. 

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