Chapter 26 - First Dates

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A/N; Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing great, I just booked a holiday for June and I'm heading to Greece for 9 days 🎉 cannot wait.

Also Bang Chan if you see this I'll be waiting for you to give me a cute scene like this whole entire chapter thank you 😊

Also Bang Chan if you see this I'll be waiting for you to give me a cute scene like this whole entire chapter thank you 😊

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Bang Chan in a're welcome



I had just about finished curling the last of my hair, for the first time in a while I had done my make up properly, a cute little cut crease with the palette I bought a while back and finished the look by popping on my favourite lip gloss.

I admired the pretty red dress in the mirror, the necklace really stood out against it too which completed the whole outfit.

I was just about ready when I heard a knock at the door, opening to my surprise there stood a very awkward looking San.

Looking around I realised he was alone which probably wasn't the best choice.

"San If Chan finds out you're here alone then-"

"It's okay, listen, I've just come to say my peace and then I'll leave" He spoke quietly as I took one last look around again before allowing him into the room and locking the door behind me.

"So...what's up?" I asked, somewhat nervous of having him close to me again. We hadn't been alone since that encounter at the apartments which didn't end well.

"Look I know we have our past, and I know I fucked up, I really did. Liss I should've treated you better and if I could take everything back then I would" He started to say as I held my breath, not knowing where this was going.

"But it happened, I can't change it even though I hoped I could. But I just want you to know that my intentions now are true. I'm genuinely happy for you and if Bang Chan is the reason for your happiness then I want you to know I support it. Liss, I care about you, more than you know. I will devote my life to keeping you safe and taking down those who have wronged you, who wronged me also" He poured his heart out and actually left me quite emotional. Normally I could tell when he was lying but now he was being the most honest he'd ever been. I couldn't have appreciated it more.

"What happened with us remains in the past, I appreciate everything you're doing and I didn't get a chance to say it but thank you for saving me from Mingi. In my eyes you're already redeeming yourself. I'd love nothing more than to not be awkward anymore too" I answered, him letting out a sigh of relief and smiling.

"Never did I think I'd see a day where Choi San would put others needs before himself. But I like this you, and the guys do too. You belong here"

"You may hate to admit it, but we make a pretty good team Lissy"

Taste (BangChan) 18+Where stories live. Discover now