Yours Truly

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Alice opens her eyes.

Alyce: Where... Where am I?

"Greetings, teenagers."

Alyce: That voice... Sounds familiar. Isn't that dad's voice?

Alyce looked around trying to find the Mayor.

"Mayor, what are you doing here?"

Alyce: What is going on...

Alyce look behind her and sees the Mayor and someone trying to protect her.

"Just trying to take something from you. Something precious."

Alyce: Who is this guy? Why is this guy protecting me?

"Emmy, look out!"

Alyce: Who's Emmy...

She looks behind her and a sniper is about to shoot her. Then the trigger is pulled. The sound of a gunshot suddenly cuts to Alyce waking up in the healing chamber.

Alyce wakes up.

Alyce: What was that!?

Alyce gasp for air trying to calm herself down.

Alyce: What's that supposed to mean? Who is Emmy?

Alyce sits there for a minute trying to understand what is the meaning behind the dream.

Alyce: I should probably check on Alan.

Alyce finally gets up from the healing chamber and goes towards her brother's room.

She opens the door to her brother's room and sees him.

Alan: Oh, you're awake.

Alyce: Yeah, I just had the weirdest dream.

Alan: What was it?

Alyce: I don't know... All I remember was, a guy said he wanted to take something precious, and another guy called me Emmy.

Alan: Weird. But dreams mostly don't mean anything.

Alyce: Well, I hope.

Alan: Go get some sleep. That fight was rough.

Alyce: Alright. Goodnight Alan.


Next day...

Alan: I've completed the module that you asked me to recode... You okay Alyce?

Alyce: Huh? Oh yeah... I'm fine

Alan: You're acting weird today

Alyce: No no no... I'm fine, really

Alan: You don't look so good. Did something happen?

Alyce: *sigh* I don't know, that... dream. I feel like there's some kind of message that it wants to deliver to me.

Alan: I don't think it's anything serious. Don't worry about it.

Alyce: What if dad is a bad guy?

Alan: What are you talking about? If he is a bad guy, then why did he assigned us to destroy the bad guys?

Alyce: You're right... maybe I'm just overthinking.


A door opens. The criminal enters his apartment. The living room looks messy even though he's the only person living there.

Criminal: *sigh* What the hell is wrong with me? Am I really that desperate?

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