The Internship

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Piper is on the side!! Megan Weckworth plays her!

I finally found out who exactly that guy was in my dads picture.

Curt Connors.

I looked him up to see that he's still in the city and is offering an internship program that's already filled up.

Crap, looks like I'll have to sneak in then.

I walked out the door and looked for Oscorp Tower, when I finally found it.

I walked in, and its huge in here.

"Excuse me! Miss!" I heard a lady say, I looked around and saw the owner.

She must be the receptionist here.

"Me?" I say, pointing at myself.

She nodded.

I walked over to her.

"Uh, I'm here to see doctor Connors." I say to her.

"Okay, you'll find yourself at your left." She replied.

I looked at her in confusion.

"Your name? You'll find your name at your left." She says, raising her eyebrows at me.

I still looked confused apparently.

"You are with the internship." She says suspiciously.

I nodded.

"Okay, then you'll find your badge, to the left." She says, gesturing to the badges.

"Oh! right! Uh...." I reply, looking at all of the names I can borrow.

Let's see.....Amelia Brown, Cecilia Fray, Mandy Sawyers, and Gabby Williams.

"Are you having trouble finding yourself?" She asked me.

God lady, give me a minute.

"Uh no! Right here!" I picked up a random name and held it up.

She looked at it.

"Okay....Miss Brown."

I thanked her and went to the up escalator, when I heard a lady screaming at some guards.

"No my badge is there! I'm Amelia Brown! Someone must of took it! No please I'm telling the truth I swear!" Someone yelled.

I awkwardly looked away and pretended to not hear her as I reached the floor all the other interns were.

"Welcome to Oscorp! My name is Grant Stacy, I'm a junior at Midtown Science High, and also the head intern of Doctor Connors. So I'll be with you the duration of your visit." Grant says to us, looking at everybody.

I tried to hide my face with my hand but luckily he wasn't looking over here.


"Where I go, you go. Basic rule around here." He added, laughing.

Damn, he looks hot in a lab coat.

"If you remember that, all will be fine." He starts to say, as the lady from earlier came back to complain more about her badge being not there.

He suddenly looked at her, which made everybody else follow his line of sight.

"Well, I guess I don't need to tell you what happens if you forget them. Follow me."

We followed him into some kind of laboratory.

"Stay over here please." He said to a couple of interns.

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