chapter 4

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It was the weekend and Mother wanted to bring us to the market, and meet everyone in town. We rode into town, Liam and I in the back, and mother and pa and in the front of the buggy. I looked at all the blossom trees and flowers everywhere. It was so bright it Avonlea. 

Once we were in town, everyone was walking around, a few people said, " Who are they?" But I didn't care. We stopped in town and walked to one of the stores.  It was painted white, and had a good roof. I could see the smoke rising from the chimney. I didn't recognize anyone. 

I looked at the shelves stocked with food and fabric. Canned meat and veggies, fruit in baskets. I went to the corner of the store, where the walls were glass, the sun shining through. I looked through fabric and yarn in a weaved basket.  I wanted to do some more knitting, so I looked through the browns and blacks, looking for a purple ball of yarn. I was unsuccessful, there were only different shades of brown.   

I walked back to the main area of the store, and looked around. It had way more food and other goods than our other store. I picked up another yarn ball, it looked purple through the packaging. 

" What colour are you looking for?" the man behind the desk asked. I looked at the yarn, then dropped it. 

" Uh.. purple," I said gazing at the selection. he walked over and touched a few yarns, looking for purple. 

" I don't know.... Ah! here," He said, handing me a light purple yarn ball. I looked at it all. 

" Thank you sir,"  I looked up at the man, who tipped his hat. he walked over to the desk again, and I went to find my mother. 

" Did you find what you were looking for?" She asked. I held up the yarn. 

" Yep!" She grabbed it and looked at the tag. 

 " I don't know, Delilah, it's quite expensive," she said. " Maybe you should put it back." I looked at her desperately. 

" Please mother, I can pay you back, or do extra chores, please," I said. She sighed, and kept on shopping, which meant that she wanted me to put it back. I walked over to where I found it, and dug around, trying to find my money. I didn't have enough, it was $1.20, and I only had a dollar.

" How much is it?" Someone said. I looked behind me and saw Gilbert, holding  a sack of flour. 

" Oh.. it's um," I stuttered. " It's $ 1.20," I said. " But.. it's fine, I can get the money..." I trailed off, as Gilbert handed me twenty cents. 

" Oh, thank you," I said. Gilbert nodded and walked outside. 

I stood there stunned, then walked up to the counter, and gave the man the money, while mother looked confused.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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