!𝙐𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙭 !𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧

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(imagine it's Christmas, and you and Sherlock have been together a little over a year but no one else knows)

Y/n's pov

I walked up the stairs to Sherlock's flat, holding a couple of bags with presents in them.

I wasn't exactly looking my best, but my outfit matched my excitement for this little "party" Mrs. Hudson put together.

And I wasn't dressing up for anyone specific.

Sherlock's eyes were locked on me, and I could tell that Molly wanted his attention.

"Hello everyone, I brought presents for everyone." I smiled, setting the bags down to take my coat off.

My outfit was simple, yet telling, I was (purposefully) matching outfits with Sherlock.

I had a deep burgundy shirt and black pants on, but I couldn't find my black jacket to top it all off.

I gave him a little smile and he stood up, walking over to his desk.

Greg handed me a glass of champagne.

"Are we giving gifts yet?" I asked after having a sip. 

"Oh, you can hand out yours if you want, dear." Mrs. Hudson said.


I reached into my bag and grabbed the first present I felt.

I read the name, "Greg."

"Here you go, Greg." I said, giving him his gift.

He smiled and opened it.

He gave me an unamused look after he saw what it was, which was basically a gag gift, it was the same thing I got him every year, I did it two years in a row on accident, and then it became an inside joke.

It was a pair of gloves, exactly the same as the year before.

I may have bought five or six pairs at the same time two years ago and wrapped them all at the same time to keep this gag running a bit longer.

I giggled, "Do you like your gloves, Greg?" I asked, a huge smirk on my face.

"I swear to god, if I get the same pair next year, I'll go insane." He jokingly threatened.

"I'll be sure to remember that." I smirked.

I reached into my bag again, seeing that the gift I pulled out was for Sherlock.

I looked over to Sherlock and smiled, "It's for you."

He stood up from his desk and walked over to me, grabbing the gift from me.

He ripped the wrapping paper off of the gift.

He pulled the top off and saw the personalized bracelet I bought for him.

"You know I don't wear these things." He muttered.

He finally read what it said.

"1 4 3, Sherlock, 1 4 3."

Which meant 'I love you.' The numbers are how many letters are in each word, it was a secret thing we thought of to admit our love for each other if other people were around.

He looked at me, muttering, "I might make an exception for this one."

I smiled, whispering, "I hope so."

"What is it, Sherlock?" John asked.

"A bracelet, you know I don't wear jewelry." He said falsely, loud enough for everyone in the flat to hear.

"Yeah, sorry." I said, playing along as he put the top back on the box.

He sighed, walking away back to his chair.

I decided to keep the rest of Sherlock's gifts until the end, seeing that some of them would give us away...

I reached into the bag, grabbing yet another gift.


I didn't even say the name, I just tossed his gift to him.

He caught it and opened it.

"Hey, a Swiss army knife, this is cool, y/n." He complimented.

I tried acting modestly, "Thank you."

I gave out everyone's gifts and they were all really thankful. 

"Y/n." Sherlock said, holding a rectangular-shaped gift for me. 

"You got her a gift?" John asked him. "That doesn't seem fair, you didn't get anyone else a gift." 

"I promised I would get her one." He said

I felt my heart flutter as I grabbed the gift from him. 

I pulled the wrapping off the front side of the book and looked at him.

"You got me the newly published book in the series I'm reading?" I look at him with adoration. 

He tried keeping a serious look, but I could see him smiling a bit. 

"Thank you." I said, setting the book down on Sherlock's desk. 

After a few minutes, everyone else was preoccupied with conversations about work or personal life, which I didn't mind.

It just gave me time to talk to Molly.

I sat down on the sofa next to Molly, "That's a pretty dress, Molly, I kind of feel underdressed." I giggled a bit as I set my glass of champagne on the coffee table.

"Well, actually, I feel really overdressed." She said, covering her arms.

I smiled softly, "Nonsense, there's no such thing, you went all out today, and I respect you for doing that."

"Really?" She asked, surprised.

"Yes, I mean it." I said, softly patting her arm with my hand.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome."

"How come you got a gift from Sherlock and no one else did?" She asked, and I grabbed my drink from the coffee table.

"He promised me he would, I just didn't know what he would get for me." I smiled innocently. 

"How did you get him to promise you that?" She asked, curious yet slightly jealous. 

I giggled, "I have no idea." 

She sighed, "Can I tell you something?" 

"Yes." I said, taking a sip of my drink. 

"I've developed a sort of... infatuation for him... and seeing you get the attention I've always wanted makes me sad." She said, tapping her glass with her fingers. 

"Well, I can't help what Sherlock does." 

"And to be honest, he just sees you as a great friend, as he does with me, Sherlock is "married to his work" and he has no desire for any type of romantic relationship." I said. 

She had nothing else to say.

"Hey, y/n, there's still gifts in your bag." I heard John say.

I looked at him, "They're for my friend, I'll be stopping by her house in a bit."

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