The gay is starting.

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What was SMG3 supposed to do while Four was sleeping? ... Maybe he should get some medicine and stuff like that or maybe some food. When was the last time SMG4  ate?

Actually, he was pretty hungry himself. The only thing he's had to eat today was 1/4 of a bagel, and there he was, getting on to Four for not taking care of himself.

SMG3 walked into the kitchen and started going through the cabinet. The only thing he had in there was a few Raman cups Meggy had given him.

God, he needed to go food shopping. But who knows what the dead memes would do if he left them unattended. He left for 20 minutes before they managed to trash the retirement home. The agent memes were so mad. Heh.

... Right noodles.

SMG3 made the Raman and sat down at the table. Suddenly, Jeremy jumps up on the table and starts barking.

"Shhh, you're being loud. You're going to wake four up." SMG3 said as he picked Jeremy up off the table.

"Three, what's going on?" Said Four groggy. He was probably still half asleep and had a bad case of bedhead. He no longer had his hat on.

And just like that, Jeremy was instantly quiet. They jumped out of Three's arms and started running around four's legs.

"Awe, hello Jeremy." Said Four as he sat down on the floor and started petting Jeremy.

(3) "So, are you feeling better?"

(4) No, not really. I woke up with a really bad headache."

(3) Well, I'm pretty sure we know if you're sick or not. Sorry, but I don't have anything for your head. ... I could go get something (I need to go food shopping anyway).

(4) "You know, for someone who doesn't care about me, you are certainly going out of your way to help me."

"I-You-." SMG3 was stumbling over his words.

He could feel his face getting warm. He turned away before Four could see. Ugh, why does he have to feel like this?

"I- ... I need to go buy food anyway, and besides, you're sick,  and if you're sick then you can't make videos and if you can't make videos then the cycle is thrown out of wack."

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." SMG4 said as he let out a dorky laugh.

Jeez, Why did four have to be such a cute dork. ... SMG3 made a noise of frustration.

"I'm leaving!"

And that's exactly what he did.

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