The coffee hangout ☕️

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Spongebobs pov

I went and got dressed all fancy to go pick up elmo in my new Lamborghini, I was just about to walk out the door when Patrick stopped me, "where r u going babe?" He asked, I blanked out trying to think of an excuse, "I'm just going to hang with the boys" I said, tbh I wasn't lying, elmo is just a friend... but I'm not sure he thinks the same, I was surprised but happy when he came to visit me at the hq. Patrick nodded, kissing me goodbye as I walked out the door.

I hopped into my Lamborghini and drive to elmos place. I parked the car and texted elmo that I was at his place and with5in a few mins he was getting into the passengers seat. "Hey elmo" I said "Hey there spongebob" elmo said blushing hard, "elmo, the cafe we wanted to go to is closed..." spongebob said, elmo sighed but then said "how about we go to that strip club down the street, they sell coffee?" Spongebob looked surprised but then said "yea sure, but we can't... like.." elmo stopped him, "yes yes nothing can happen between us I know, but we can still have fun" elmo said "ye your right" spongebob agreed driving off.

They then arrived at the club and damn some of the men there... there hips don't lie.
Sponge bobs inner gay activated quickly he was about to get a massive 40 inch boner when he remembered what elmo said, "nothing weird can happen" he thought. They made their way through the club, one of the strippers caught their eye they then realised it was... kermit giving Mr crabs a lap dance!? "Kermit? Boss?" Spongebob said, kermit turned to him quickly "AGAGWUUSUWJDHGDHEJHEHE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN HERE!?" KERMIT screamed, hoping off of Mr crabs as he snorted a line of coke. Kermit then saw elmo, "umm, r u and elmo dating?" Kermit asked "what- no!' Spongebob said, elmo blushed slightly, thinking about the hot dream he had about spongebob the night before. "Welp, I guess it's okay then if I give you both a free lap dance then?" Kermit asked.

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