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Once everyone was in line Luke started leading us uphill, towards the mess hall pavilion. Satyrs and naiads joined us as well, among others, it was fascinating to see how the wood nymphs would come out of their respective trees, melting out of them and then skipping up the hill.

We must have been around a hundred campers, a few dozen satyrs, and approximately a dozen wood nymphs and naiads. When we arrived at the pavilion, a place which I had only seen a glimpse of throughout Grovers tour, since he did not think it was of importance and that "I would see it later during dinnertime".

Torches blazed, surrounding the marble columns, and a fire burned in a bronze brazier in the centre of the whole structure. Each cabin had a table that was covered in white cloth trimmed in purple. Noticing how four of the tables were empty, I guessed it must be the tables for the cabins that had no one, I envied the emptiness as I was forced to sit on cabin eleven's table, which was way too crowded for my liking.

It appeared that they knew they would not be able to fit another person on the bench, so they brought a chair and set it down next to Percy, who barely fit in the small space he was given. He looked flabbergasted at the fact they brought me a chair, for he looked between me and Luke, who so kindly fetched the chair, with betrayal in his eyes.

The pavilion was filled with the noise of chatting campers, who conversed with their fellow tablemates. But they went quiet once Chiron pounded his hoof against the marble flooring. He raised a glass and yelled "To the gods!", I guess that was the queue for the wood nymphs to bring the platters of food. In their hands rested a variety of food, from strawberries to barbeque. I looked around for the beverages, but my searching was futile because I found none. Which made me wonder how the rest of the campers got their own.

"You just have to speak to your glass, whatever you want it'll appear." Percy spoke, breaking me out of my perplexion.

I looked at him quizzically before lifting the glass and whispering "water" to it. To my surprise, the glass started filling up with water. I nodded in thanks towards Percy, who smiled in return.

"What do you want to eat? They have mostly everything here," He continued.

I was not sure why he was being so nice to me, since we had just met and I did not exactly give off the nicest vibes.

It took me a moment to answer, what did I want to eat?

I decided that having f/f would be refreshing, something I had not had in a while and that was known to me.

"Can you serve me some f/f?" He hummed and loaded my plate with it, passing it to me.

I was about to start eating when everybody stood up with their plates, carrying them towards the fire in the centre. What now?

"Come on, we offer some of our meal to the gods," Percy explained, waiting for me to follow him.

Food offerings? The gods must have had enough food back in Olympus, did they not? Why did we have to give them our own food? Why did I have to give them my food?

"Don't take it lightly, it's serious, as unbelievable as it may seem," He informed me.

Approaching the fire, he scraped off a piece of barbeque from his plate and then moved to the side to give me space to do it.

"Do I say something?" I questioned, I had heard the other campers murmur something, but did not hear Percy say anything.

"Only if you know who your godly parent is or want to say something to them," he responded.

I nodded, making sure I separated a reasonable amount for the gods while leaving enough for myself. Since I had no clue of who my 'godly parent' was, nor did I know if I even wanted to know who they were. I just murmured "for you" and then followed Percy back to the table.

Once seated, I dug in. Eating as quickly as possible so I could leave. My departure was stopped by Chiron pounding his hoove once again.

Mr. D reluctantly stood up from his seat, "I suppose I should start with saying hello to all of you brats. Hello. Our activities director, Chiron, once again wants me to remind you of tomorrow's capture the flag. Once more, cabin five holds the laurels as of now."

That last sentence erupted cheers from said cabin, who happened to be the one that Claura - no wait Claudia, or was it Carla? - resided in.

"I couldn't care less, but congratulations. I should also inform you that we have a new camper today. Whose name I've already forgotten."

I did not know if I should feel angry that I was forgettable. I decided to just be slightly disappointed, but what would you expect from a god who drank too much wine?

"Er, Y/n L/n," Mr. D announced after Chiron whispered it in his ear, "Hurrah. Now run along and go to your campfire. Go on. Scramble."

Percy was once again baffled, it seemed as if he was not used to camp as much as he made it seem. Yet, just as quickly he stood up to follow the other campers to go to the campfire. He waited for me outside the pavilion and led me to where the campfire was taking place.

I just hoped that the event would not take that long so I could go back to the cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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