┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° chapter 2

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' Don't just leave me here, please.. '


The bell rung and students rushed outside of their classrooms. It was a tsunami of high schoolers, all running to switch their shoes and go home. Some went to the library, and others went to the garden, though. Yashiro was doing none of the above. She was going to sit outside and wait. For Amane.

So, that is what she did, she waited near the front of the school for Amane. Yashiro had the scale measurements that they would need now, so she just needed the supplies! She started rummaging through her backpack, looking for her notebook with the list of what they needed to get. As she was doing so, a familiar figure walked closer.


Amane heard the bell, and he began to pack up. Him and Yashiro shared only two classes, so he wasn't able to really talk to her after science. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out of the room, navigating the halls and getting to his locker to change shoes. He waited as more teens squeezed out of the school doors, soon slipping into the crowd. He had a pep in his step today. He was just in a good mood.

He approached the entrance, walking over to Yashiro. "Heey, Yashiro-San." She didn't look up, and finally got the notebook. She turned to the page with the list on it. "Is there anything else we should add?" She looked up to Amane, and he shook his head in response. "That should be all we need. I know where we can put the model, I have a pretty large backyard." Yashiro nodded. "Let's go then!" She smiled, turning around and waking out of the school boundaries.


Ten minutes later, the pair arrived at a craft store. Yashiro and Amane discussed for a while, talking about what they each would get. They finished and went their separate ways, each grabbing the supplies that they were "assigned". Soon enough, Yashiro finished. She looked around, trying to spot someone a bit taller than her with orangeish-brown hair. She stood on her tiptoes, soon descending with a huff. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her contacts. She cursed under her breath, she never got his number.

She put away her phone, sighing. She took out the list. He was getting rulers, as he had written in he sloppy writing in an orange pen. She thought out loud, "Now, where would those be?.." She looked around. Frowning, she walked around and eventually stopped playing attention to her surroundings. She was looking for a orangeish-brown haired boy... orangeish-brown hair.. orangeish-brown ha-

She stumbled back, having bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry-" She frowned, looking up, how stupid was she? She really needed to pay attention more.


Amane was looking for the isle with all the rulers. He scratched his head, humming in thought. He walked around, surveying the isles. "Aha!" He said, speed walking into the isle. He avoided the other person in the isle, but couldn't avoid eye contact. Amane slowed, staring for a moment. It seemed to be a little boy in the isle. Orangeish-brown hair and eyes, the little boys glare was full of horror. Amane frowned, backing away scared.

He turned, trying to ignore the boy. Amane's face was contorted in fear, recognition. He instinctively rubbed at the bandage on his face, shuddering. He shook the feeling off, and looked at the rulers. He tried to take his mind off.. off of that. He shuffled through, and would pick some out of the lot of rulers. While he was doing that, someone bumped into him. He heard the girl give an apology, and he instinctively caught her. He practically hauled her up, and she regained balance.

"Are you-" The two made eye contact, and Amane lifted his arms up defensively as his cheeks lit up. Yashiro cleared her throat, her cheeks also having a red tint. "I was looking all over for you, Yugi-kun! How are you not done- I had more to get than you do!" She started going off on him, and he gave a slight smile. He lowered his hands, and interrupted. "I was looking for a ruler long enough, and I found one but you had to come over here and bump into me!" He gave a smirk, plucking out the longest ruler in the bundle. Yashiro sighed, "Oh well."


The pair walked to the cash register, and Amane ended up paying because Yashiro didn't have any cash on her. Yashiro thanked him profusely. Amane simply gave a nod and an awkward smile.

They were a very short distance apart, so close, in fact, they heard comments from friends wishing they were, "as affectionate with my boyfriend as those two are." They blushed at the comments, and Amane occasionally stuck his tongue out at them. Yashiro responded with a laugh.

They headed to the park. The mood was just, right. They were quiet, but the atmosphere was so calm. They enjoyed each others company. They sat at a bench. Amane looked out, seeing the beautiful sunset. A smile creeped up his face. Yashiro looked over, smiling as well.

Yashiro turned as well, setting her bag down and the shopping bag down. She breathed in, not realizing she had been holding in her breath. She just didn't want to ruin the moment. Amane moved his hands to his lap, thinking. Soon enough though, he made up his mind.

He rested his hand on top of Yashiro's. She turned instantly, her face bright red. She opened her mouth, but Amane started first. "I really want to become friends with you, Yashiro-san. You seem really uh.." He debated the term to use, but decided. He still cringed. ".. cool. We should talk more often. Also, you can call me Amane." Yashiro stared at his face, examining his features. He had a genuine smile on his face, his eyes sparkling. Yashiro relaxed, and began. "Alright, Amane-kun. Give me your phone." She smirked, and Amane was surprised. She knew it would kill the mood right now, but he'd soon know why. Amane took his hand off hers, which made her frown slightly. She watched as he put in the password and soon handed her his phone.

"Why do you want my phone, Yashiro-San?" He asked peering over trying to see what she was doing. She simply hummed in response, soon having filled out her contact information. She handed the phone back to Amane, and added, "You can call me Nene."


(W/C: 1140)  We are piecing the plot together, folks! There'll be some angst now.... But nonetheless, I hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the wait! I hope I have satisfied some of your needs in this chapter. The best is yet to come, so stay tuned. :)

Vote and comment if you liked the Chapter, I really appreciate it!


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