breakfast chapter (5)

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Hay sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit what can I do school stinks 😔 


Harley woke up to the sound of Friday telling them that peters class was all waiting for him. he looked over at his little brother who was sound asleep he started to shake him gently s no to startle him. "Pete wake up your class is waiting for you " peter ground." wHy ArE thEy HeAr " peter slurred. Harley chuckled and said "Cuz you have a field trip remember. "At that Peter's memories came crashing back and he jolted upwards and off the bed. He started to get ready.  

when we heard a knock on the door " Mr. Parker come out this instant " Mr. Johns voice came through the door " coming " peter chimed back. peter swung his bag over his shoulder and said " come on let's go " he looked up at me then started laughing. when I asked him, he just pointed at my chest and continued laughing. I looked down at it to see that I was wearing my spider-man pajamas. " I can't go out like this." I wined peter who had composed himself shook his head " no sorry Harles but I can't stay in hear any longer." I ground. 

peter opened the door and got out I slowly we did so everyone stopped talking looking at us more like staring at us, but no one spoke until Mr. John said, " who is this Mr. Parker " He pointed at me. peter was about to say something when I interrupted " Hi I am Harly Peter's bother." I said with a tone that sowed dominance. He shut up after that only nodding.   

" Okay Pete um I am guessing you aren't going to eat with us " I said a little disappointed. " Yah, can you tell the others that I am sorry that I can't make it." peter said sounding a little Sleppy still. I chuckled "will do Petey Pie. " Peter actually like literally face palmed. " I Hate you. " He said his voice a little muffled by his hand. I put my hand on my chest in mook hurt. " That is what I get for being the best older brother to my little Petey wety." peter groaned " okay that's Inhofe of you-" 

peter started but was cut off by an annoying looking kid "since when did Pinus parker have a brother. "My smile instantly turned in to anger " what did you just call my brother" I said rather harshly. "If you ever talk to my brother like that again then you Beter believe there will be consequences." I was about to continue wen peter jumped in front of me " Harles stop ... pleas " he said looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.  

"But- "

" pleas "

" Fine but we will talk about this later and I don't think the others will like that you didn't tell them especially Dad."

" Thanks, Harles you are the beast. "

peter and his class were walking down one of the hallways that led to the cafeteria when peter heard shuffling from the vents above him. he knew it was his uncle clint but there were to others with him maybe Wanda and Paetro. peter stopped and moved to the right Ned and MJ looked at him with confusion. peter counted down "3...2....1" then uncle clint landed where he was standing a moment ago fallowed by Lila and coper. " Why can't I ever surprise you Pete? " uncle clint said I chuckled " You know whey." Lila cleared her throat to get my attention " why didn't you answer me or coup's texts " she said crossings her arms.

"......what texts?" I asked.

"Yesterday we texted you to tell you that we were coming today" Couper said also crossing his arms.

" And you didn't answer we thought you were mad at us." Lila continued

" Mad why would I be mad at you?" Peter asked.

" It doesn't matter what matters is that I-we were worried" Lila said. 

Uncle clint burst out laughing and so did Couper Lila started blushing. "Umm guys I really have to go my class has a field trip and we have to go eat breakfast so I guess I will see you later". I waved, and Lila waved back and for some reason that made them laugh even harder. 

as we sat to eat breakfast nothing happened other than the excisional glare from flash. " well you are scored" MJ said I ground loudly thinking about what will happen if my family finds out about flash and what they got planed for him.


again, I am so sorry for taking a long time to post this I have finals next week 😔 

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