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"COME out with your hands up!!" A woman police officer yelled. You could barley move, Nat was covering you with her body and surprisingly the airbags didn't pop out but there was still glass everywhere and much more blood than before

"F-fuck...we're cornered" Wanda stuttered as she looked into your eyes with sorrow and guilt

"I'm sorry, Y/n...I hope you have a good life without us" Nat apologized as she kissed your forehead

"No, No! I don't want to leave y'all! I- I love you both so much, please don't leave me!" You sobbed, salty tears mixing with your blood, "We have no choice, plus we want you to live a normal, happy life without us" Wanda smiled sadly as she opened her car door

"Wanda, No!" You sobbed

"Let's go, baby..." Nat said reluctantly as she carried you out of the car. There was at least ten police cars surrounding the crashed car, all the police officers out and had their guns all pointed at Nat and Wanda.

Nat slowly stepped forward and placed you down on the gravel, your gunshot wound not hurting nearly as much as your heart now

"Y/N!" Tony yelled as he ran over and hugged onto you, "god Y/n, never scare me like that again...let's get you away from these people and get you to a hospital" He offered

"What are they going to do to them!?" You yelled as you pulled against your brother's grip and tried to stand up

Nat nodded her head to tell you it's okay, but you knew it wasn't.

Two police officers walked up to Wanda and Nat and put cuffs around their wrists and ankles, leading them to the back of police cars where they were shoved in

"They'll be in high-security jail for a long time. You won't have to worry about them ever again, Ms. Stark" A female police officer explained

"W-wait! Before you go, please stop the facility, it's where Wanda led the car so you could stop them, t-they're basically Hydra training...they trained me- I mean them and a lot of other to kill people" You sighed

"Why would a horrible villain lead us here to stop their leaders?" Tony questioned confused

"Wanda and Natasha aren't evil! They saved me and kept me safe, it was their boss- my 'master'- who tried to kill me and make me kill people" You explained frantically

"NO! They took you from me, from your home! You will NOT defend them!" Tony yelled as he gripped your upper arm and dragged you to his quinjet

"Okay...how long will they be in jail for then?" You asked one of the many police officers while Tony continued to try and pull you with him.

"Probably lifetimes" they explained, "we'll need Ms. Stark at the police station to investigate her then you can take her home, Mr. Stark" they explained and drove off along with all the other cars

You watched sadly as Wanda and Nat's gloomy, yet smiling, faces faded away with the groups of cars

"I love them..." you breathed out before following Tony into his Quinjet


"So, Ms. Stark, what was your experience like with being abducted the famous Avengers, by Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Madimoff?" The female police officer who was investigating you on live TV asked

"It was...," you questioned if you should say how good they treated you or if you should just lie, "they were very kind to me, let me watch television, let me eat every meal, they spent time with me every day." You explained, reminiscing on how much you loved them

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