Water war

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Atlas was sat on the window seat in his room when Shawn ran in and started spraying him with water out of his water gun

"AAAH what the hell was that for? You do that again and ill throw you out this window" Atlas said while pretty much falling out his seat

Shawn walked over to the window looking out it at the concert down below

"what are you doing?" Looking at Shawn like he was crazy

"Checking how high the drop is to see If its with it, I wanted to show you my new water gun, the 2000-x hydro saturator brand new, got it today in time for the water war"

"Awesome, but did you have to spray water everywhere?' Atlas asked as he got himself up from the floor and looked at the water gun "this is really cool"

"I know right, you can come with us to the water war if you'd like"

"Thanks kid but i have plans with Eric, were going to chubby for food also be carful in school with that if feeny sees it he'll take it and you'd have to sit out the water war"

Shawn shrugs his shoulders as he lays back on atlas' bed look at the fake stars painted on the ceiling "so Eric huh? Also when did you paint these?"

Slowly turning his head atlas looked at Shawn like he was crazy "no were not starting this again there is no 'Eric huh?' Its just Eric were friends and I did them a few days ago" walking over to lay down next to the kid he classes as a brother (I mean he pretty much lives in the house with them at this point)

"Come on kid ill walk you to the Mathews so you can get Cory for school" atlas said while getting up and pulling Shawn to his feet
Running down the stairs and out the back door the kids raced each other to the Matthews residence running through the back door into where everyone was sat eating breakfast
"Yes I made it I won" atlas explains turning to look at the people sitting at the table "hello"

"Hi welcome to our house, please come in" Amy says sarcastically while standing up while everyone continues to eat there breakfast like northings happened the being completely used to this stuff happening

"Were here for them" pointing to Eric and Cory

"Ah school Time, lets go Shawn"

After that it was just atlas waiting in the kitchen with Alan and Amy for Eric to be ready which a lot of people would find very weird, for the Matthews however its completely normal.

Atlas has been coming over ever morning they have school since they were allowed to walk there on there own, when Shawn had started going over to atlas's on the Sunday night for there weekly sleepover as Shawn called it they started walking or raising to the matthews house

Atlas won 9 times out of 10 but Shawn ha won a lot of times given this has been happening for about 2 years now

Amy usually had two extra portions of whatever they had, had for breakfast for the kids because everyone knew they would have forgot to eat before they left the house to get there

Atlas was sat down at the table eating a bowl of corn flakes that Amy placed infrount of him as Eric came down the stairs

"You ready to leave?" Eric called as he walked towards the backdoor then stopping to turn to the boy sat at his dinner table who try much wasn't paying attention to his words "atlas, you ready?"

Dropping to spoon back into the bowl atlas looked up at Eric "what... ready ye, lets go" with that he got up and placed to bowl in the kitchen sink on his way past

Grabbing there bags and making sure that they had everything they needed they walked out of the house and all the way to school

Hey, hey, heySo this is the first chapter of far from normal if you've read the note you'll realise that this episode is cut short, I'll be doing this for a lot of season 1 I have all of the episodes I wanna do from all seasons I've missed a lot o...

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Hey, hey, hey
So this is the first chapter of far from normal if you've read the note you'll realise that this episode is cut short, I'll be doing this for a lot of season 1 I have all of the episodes I wanna do from all seasons I've missed a lot of them but it's just one that idk where I can add atlas into.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be hopefully be out soon In the meantime, I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are.
-prince :)

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