Grandma was a rolling stone

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Eric and atlas were sat on the sofa in the Matthew's living room, Eric had a large bowl of sweets and was teaching Morgan how to help him pick up girls while atlas was reading a book there English teacher set as homework

"Hi im Morgan and this is my brother Eric he's very shy" Morgan said with exaggerated hand gestures, once she'd finished saying the line she stood with her mouth open waiting for Eric to give her the candy he promised

"Ha ha ha. Good girl" he said rubbing her head, at this atlas looked up from his book and towards them

"You are aware she's not a dog correct?"
"Yes I know that"
"Then why are you training her like a dog?"

before Eric could answer him Amy walked into the room "Eric what are you teaching her?"

Eric quickly tried to convince his mother that he wasnt teaching Morgan anything, Morgan didn't seam to get that Eric didn't want her to say anything and told Amy exactly what was happening

"I get to help eric meets girls" she said quite happily
"No you don't, she doesn't" Eric quicker then last time said hoping that Amy would believe him, atlas was sat watching this with a very amused grin on his face trying not to laugh at how strange this was

"My brother thinks your so cute" Morgan repeated making Amy and atlas chuckle slightly, Morgan stood there with her mouth open waiting once again for the candy she had gotten every other time she said something like this, Eric looked at her in somewhat betrayal and did not give her the candy she wanted

"So this is why you've been taking her to the mall." Eric tried cutting into what his mother was saying but didn't get the chance as she sat on the sofa between the boys and carried on speaking "Well I think its great"

"You do?" The boys said at the same time one in amusement and one in some type of shock. "Mhm" Amy replied not exactly heard by Eric as he turned back round the the small girl infrount of him giving her the sweets she was still waiting for

According to Amy this was a great way for Eric and Morgan to spend some great time together, atlas still though this was amusingly ridiculous but had decided to move most of his attention back onto the book he has in his hands

Erics prefect reasoning for all this was "some guys use a golden retriever ao I thought why not use the weasel here?" Atlas still wanting to make his point extremely clear that "she isn't a dog and you cant just train her like one" they proceed to argue for a good 5 minutes about it till Amy shut them down

Interrupting this whole ordeal was a car horn to the sounds of la curacha started playing from the outside of the house

This made atlas put down his book again for the 2nd time in the short space of time that this had happened in, everyone around the 14 year old boy excited and happy well except Amy she looked kind of annoyed but was faking her smile very well

With a quite loud "hey, its grandma" Eric rushed upwards and straight towards the door with Morgan following close behind him.

Atlas turned to Amy with a very confused look on his face
Amy gave him a 'dont ask' look and atlas at the time didn't really wanna so he just went back to his book until the door was finally opened and Alan walked into the room

A older woman kinda stumbled through the door, atlas was looking at the faces of the people currently in the room getting a exited look form Eric and morgan, a amused look from Amy and a annoyed look from Alan

Now dont get Alan wrong he loved his mother but in his opinion she could be a bit over the top

"Ive been sitting on my keister for 10 hours in that winnebago, I need some stretching room" was said from the woman as she proceeded to stretch her arms out a lot
"Grandma, grandma" Morgan had run into the womans arms "where's my present?" The both said at the same time If he was being honest atlas was kinda amused at what was happening infront of him

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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