Chapter 46: Tess Vs. Jake

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Narrator: Our heroes arrived at Crescent Island, and they were able to successfully infiltrate Team Eclipse's headquarters with the aid of Team Rocket. Now, with the help of Mimey, decide to look for Ash's mom and Professor Oak. Unfortunately, they run into Jake yet again. What happens next? Find out.

Ash: Pikachu, I choose--

Tess: No Ash. This fight is between me and Jake.

Ash: But--

Tess: Don't argue, go find your Mom and Professor Oak.

(Ash nods as Pikachu, Absol, Mimey, and him run off.)

Tess: It's just me and you, Jake.

Jake: I don't want to fight you.

Tess: You betrayed us!

Jake: Fine, to think we had anything special!

Tess: Garchomp, I choose you!

Jake: Vaporeon, I choose you!

(Vaporeon comes out of his pokeball. But the moment he was out, he sided with Tess.)

Jake: Vaporeon, what are you doing?

Vaporeon: Vapor!

Jake: Fine, be that way! (Jake smashes Vaporeon's pokeball.)

Tess: This isn't you, Jake.

Jake: How do you know anything about me?!

Tess: I...

Jake: Excactly! Nidoking, I choose you!

(Nidoking comes out of his pokeball.)

Nidoking: NIDO!

Tess: Garchomp, return.

Jake: Huh?

Tess: Vaporeon, I choose you!

Vaporeon: Vapor!

Jake: So that's your plan? Using one of my former pokemon?

Tess: Correct, a taste of your own medicine!

Jake: I'm gonna enjoy this.

Tess: Vaporeon use Hydro Pump!

(Vaporeon used Hydro pump dealing some damage to Nidoking.)

Jake: Nidoking, use chip away!

(Nidoking used chip away dealing some damage to Vaporeon.)

Tess: Vaporeon, use Muddy Water!

(Vaporeon used Muddy Water, knocking down Nidoking.)

Tess: It's over, Jake.

Jake: No! It's not over until I say it's over! Nidoking, return. (Nidoking returned to his pokeball.)

Tess: Jake, if you really believe what you are doing is right then you'll do the right thing and let me go help Ash.


(Jake slides to the side as Tess uses her pokeball to capture Vaporeon.)

(Professor Cypress shows up.)

Professor Cypress: I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere.

(Ash then enters through Route 18 and was beating Team Eclipse grunts with his Pikachu, Mimey, and Absol.)

Ash: Mom, Professor Oak. I'm coming for you.

Narrator: And so our heroes were able to successfully infiltrate Team Eclipse's base. With Ash on his way to rescue his mom and Professor Oak and Tess ends up captured by Team Eclipse, what will happen next? Find out, as the journey continues.

Ash Ketchum adventures in Pokémon Brick BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now