Chapter 23: Pidgeot and the soaring badge

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Narrator: Our heroes enter the Anthian City Gym for Ash's 4th gym battle.

Ash: Here it is!

Pikachu: Pika!

Stephen: Hey Ash, are you ready for your 4th gym battle?

Ash: You bet I am!

(Ash and Stephen get on opposing sides of the battlefield.)

Referee: Each trainer will use 4 pokemon per battle. Let the battle begin!

Ash: Pikachu! I choose you!

Pikachu: Pika!

Stephen: Staraptor, I choose you!

(Staraptor comes out of his pokeball.)

Staraptor: Staraptor!

Jake's pokedex: Staraptor, the predator pokemon. A normal and flying type and the evolved form of Staravia. It has a savage nature. It will courageously challenge foes that are much larger.

Jake: Since Staraptor is a normal and flying type and Pikachu is an electric type, Ash has the advantage. 

Vaporeon: Vapor!

Ash: Pikachu, use thunderbolt!

(Pikachu used thunderbolt and knocked out Staraptor.)

Referee: Staraptor is unable to battle, Pikachu wins!

Tess: Wow, I guess Ash can win this. 

Gabite: Gabite!

Stephen: Skarmory, I choose you!

(Skarmory comes out of its pokeball.)

Skarmory: Skar!

Jake's pokedex: Skarmory, the armor bird pokemon. A steel and flying type. Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.)

Ash: Pikachu, use thunder--

Stephen: Skarmory, use slash!

(Skarmory used slash and knocked down Pikachu.)

Ash: Pikachu!

Referee: Pikachu, is unable to battle. Skarmory wins.

Jake: What's Ash gonna do now? 

Ash: Alright, Azumarill, I choose you!

(Azumarill comes out of her pokeball.)

Azumarill: Azu!

Ash: Azumarill use Hydro Pump!

Stephen: Skarmory, use aerial ace!

(Azumarill used Hydro pump and Skarmory used Aerial Ace and both pokemon knocked each other out.)

Referee: Azumarill and Skarmory are unable to battle. It's a tie.

Ash: Azumarill, return.

(Azumarill returns in her pokeball.)

Ash: You deserve a rest, you did great. 

Ash: Ninjask, I choose you!

(Ninjask comes out of his pokeball.)

Ninjask: Ninjask!

Stephen: Aerodactyl, I choose you!

(Aerodactyl comes out of its pokeball.)

Aerodactyl: Aerodactyl!

Jake's pokedex: Aerodactyl, the fossil pokemon, a rock and flying type. A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs.

Jake: Ash, be careful!

Ash: I will, Ninjask, use absor--

Stephen: Aerodactyl use Aerial Ace!

(Aerodactyl used Aerial Ace and knocked out Ninjask.)

Ash: Ninjask!

Referee: Ninjask is unable to battle, Aerodactyl wins. 

Ash: Ninjask, return.

Tess: What will Ash do now?

Ash: Pidgeotto, I choose you!

(Pidgeotto comes out of his pokeball.)

Pidgeotto: Pidgeotto!

Ash: Pidgeotto, use air slash!

(Pidgeotto used air slash dealing some damage to Aerodactyl.)

Stephen: Aerodactyl, use thunder fang.

(Aerodactyl used thunder fang dealing some damage to Pidgeotto.)

Ash: Pidgeotto! Don't give up! You can do this! 

(Pidgeotto used razor wind and knocked down Aerodactyl.)

Referee: Aerodactyl is unable to battle, Pidgeotto wins!

Ash: You did amazing, Pidgeotto!

(Pidgeotto soon evolved into Pidgeot.)

Pidgeot: Pidgeot! 

Ash's pokedex: Pidgeot, the bird pokemon. A normal and Flying type and the evolved form of Pidgeotto. When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp. 

Ash: This is amazing!

Stephen: Our battle is not over yet. Braviary, I choose you!

(Braviary comes out of its pokeball.)

Braviary: Braviary!

Jake's pokedex: Braviary, the valiant pokemon, a normal and flying type and the evolved form of Rufflet. They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying.

Ash: Pidgeot, use Razor Wind!

(Pidgeot used Razor Wind and knocked down Braviary.)

Referee: Braviary is unable to battle, Pidgeot is the winner. Which means the winner is Ash!

Stephen: Here you go, You earned this.

(Stephen gives Ash the Soaring Badge.)

Ash: Alright! I got the soaring badge!

(Ash places his badge in the badge case.)

Stephen: So Ash, which gym do you plan to challenge next?

Ash: I don't know.

Stephen: Then how about you challenge the Aredia city gym. 

Ash: I'd love to!

Narrator: And so Ash was able to take on his 5th gym battle, with Aredia City being his 5th gym battle and a newly evolved Pidgeot. What could go wrong? Find out--

(Soon an unknown ship heads to Anthian City.)

Narrator: --As the journey continues. 

Ash Ketchum adventures in Pokémon Brick BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now