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Manticore is a Bio-weapon Designed by UFSRR best scientists. It was devised to target specific genotypes, and would kill anyone not in the UFRSS database. Thus, in any battle, if it were to be used, all of the enemy would die, and only UFRSS soldiers would live through the aftermath, also Hazmat Suit is useless because Manticore is like a Nanobot containing the Virus that can make a hole in the Hazmat suit and goes to the Person nose.

 Thus, in any battle, if it were to be used, all of the enemy would die, and only UFRSS soldiers would live through the aftermath, also Hazmat Suit is useless because Manticore is like a Nanobot containing the Virus that can make a hole in the Haz...

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Anti-Matter bomb is a diamond shaped container which the content inside are Anti-Matter, and don't be fooled by their small size this tiny diamond shaped container can make explosion and shockwave twice made by the Tsar Bomba.

Anti-Matter bomb is a diamond shaped container which the content inside are Anti-Matter, and don't be fooled by their small size this tiny diamond shaped container can make explosion and shockwave twice made by the Tsar Bomba

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Rapture is a Bomb filled with many deadly chemical known to Humanity mixed with Uranium and can change the surrounding environment where the bomb detonated to area full of danger and threat that even the area that look like It's harmless has its own threat and Rapture is different from Manticore, while Manticore usage is for assisting UFSRR army in Urban, Jungles, Forest environment Rapture however is more like a destruction bomb that destroy or Mutate anything that is near the bomb explosion no matter friend or foe it will affect everyone and the side effects of the bomb is Devastating it's surrounding. Everyone UFSRR minister and general agree using this bomb as last resort weapon and only 2 bomb was made in fear that this bomb will fall into the wrong hand.

 Everyone UFSRR minister and general agree using this bomb as last resort weapon and only 2 bomb was made in fear that this bomb will fall into the wrong hand

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Scorch Planet is a Orbital cannon that shoot Purple Laser that has the temperature of 4,200 Degree Celsius (7,592 Fahrenheit) almost has the same temperature as the Sun surface which was 5,000 - 6,000 Degree Celsius (9,000 - 10,000 Fahrenheit), this weapon used for burning or vaporised anything that the UFSRR cannot control, invade, destroy by conventional mean, or to destroy enemy morales and also Scorch Earth can be aim at spaceship even though it took time.


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Freezing Sky is the opposite Scorched Planet this Orbital Cannon instead shooting hot beam it shoots freezing beam, Freezing Sky is like a countermeasures incase Scorched Earth was hijacked and used against UFSRR by shooting it's freezing beam at Scorched Earth Hot Red beam same goes to Scorched Earth they are Freezing Sky countermeasure. When used in planet Freezing Sky can effectively change any climate to cold harsh climate and can change any hot desert to freezing cold environment.

 When used in planet Freezing Sky can effectively change any climate to cold harsh climate and can change any hot desert to freezing cold environment

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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